My siblings and I, throughout our youth, spent the summers in a camp environment, because our father was the Rabbi of Camp Mogen Avraham in the Catskills. There is one memory that the tens of thousands of campers who attended CMA over the 45 years he was its Rabbi, have etched in their minds. It …
Tag: Matos
Jul 13
Earn It!
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Bamidbar
The second portion we read this week, Massai, details the names of the 42 stops the Jews made while traversing the desert towards the Land of Israel. A question is asked, why did the Jews have to go through such efforts to get to the Land? Our Sages tell us that the Land of Israel …
Jul 28
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
A customer walked into a wholesaler and placed a large order. When his account was brought up, it was flagged for an overdue balance, and he was told that his order could not be accepted. The customer pleaded that they give him another chance and gave his word that he would pay as soon as …
Jul 08
Sound Sleep!
- By Dovid Saks in 5781, Bamidbar
The Torah in this week’s portion introduces us to the laws of vows. Taking a vow, whether to do something or not to do something, is a binding statement, and has the efficacy of a Torah law. If one disobeys or does not fulfill his vow, he has sinned. If one made a vow and …
Jul 16
Say What!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
The words one expresses are extremely powerful and effective. We see how binding and serious speech is from the laws the Torah presents concerning expressing oaths and vows. Although the Torah tells us, “Do not profane your words,” in the context of keeping one’s vows, commentators apply this to all aspects of our speech – …
Jul 30
- By Dovid Saks in 5779, Bamidbar
The women of the country of Midyan deliberately exploited themselves in a lewd and suggestive manner and caused the Jews to sin which brought about a plague that cost the lives of tens of thousands of Jews. As a result, G-d commanded Moshe to wage war against Midyan to avenge the death of the Jews. …
Jul 12
Still No Response!
- By Dovid Saks in Bamidbar
During the week, I had the opportunity to attend a Siyum – a celebration of the completion of an entire tractate of the Talmud – a great accomplishment by the students of Yeshiva Bais Moshe in Scranton. During the dinner, Rabbi Yaacov Schnaidman, dean of the school spoke and shared the following insight. With the …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Matos) Swearing This week?s Torah portion speaks of the laws concerning oaths and vows. The Torah states: ?According to whatever he expresses from his mouth he shall do.? Rashi cites a Medrash that states: Based on this, one might think that even if he swears to eat non Kosher food, he is bound …
Sep 27
Hey Taxi!
(Torah Portion Matos/Massai) Hey Taxi! Contrary to the common expression, “Talk is cheap,” Judaism places a high value and responsibility on the uttered word. For example, taking a vow is taken seriously by Jewish law. Whether one expresses a personal prohibition on something that is otherwise permissible or if one makes a vow to undertake …
Sep 27
Flying Men
(Torah Portion Matos/Masai) Flying Men G-d invested Bilaam, a non-Jew, with the level of prophetic abilities akin to our leader Moshe, so that the nations of the world would not state that, “Had we had someone like Moshe, perhaps we would have accepted the Torah, or would have made better moral and ethical choices.” G-d …
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Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Scranton, PA US
Parshas Vaera
Candle Lighting Time: 4:51 PM
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