Category: 5781


In the Parsha, Moshe instructs the Jews that after they cross over the Jordan River into the Land of Israel they are to immediately travel to the City of Shechem, a distance of about 35 miles, where they will find two mountains that face each other, Har Grizim and Har Aival. At these mountains the …

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Left Out!

At an awards dinner I once attended, one the honorees got up and literally went through the attendees and thanked each one by name. After the rather lengthy acceptance speech the master of ceremonies came back to the podium and jokingly quipped, “Whoever’s name was not mentioned, please stand up.” Sure enough, the honoree’s own …

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I recently read an article by Rabbi Berel Wein where he shared a powerful and insightful, one-liner, from Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahanamin o.b.m. the world renown, Ponevitcher Rav. Rabbi Kahanamin was famous for exuding a genuine enthusiastic love towards his fellow Jews. There was a disturbing incident in Israel where some misguided individuals threw stones …

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The Torah forbids us from adding or subtracting from the Mitzvos of the Torah. We all understand what subtracting from the Mitzvos of the Torah is. However, adding Mitzvos it is even forbidden when adding within the Mitzva itself. For example: placing two Mezzuza parchments on the same door post; adding a fifth compartment to …

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In Her Arms!

Generally speaking, the weekly Haftorahs, the sections of the books of our Prophets that our sages chose to accompany the portion of the week, have a theme or reference to something that appears in the Torah portion. However, when let’s say Rosh Chodesh coincides with Shabbos, the Haftorah follows the theme of Rosh Chodesh. During …

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Winning Ticket!

The law indicates that when the month of Av arrives we are to lessen the degree of our Simcha ― joy. This is because in the month of Av both of our Temples were destroyed and other tragic events in our history transpired during the month and particularly on the ninth day of Av. One …

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The other night I woke up in middle of the night and could not fall back asleep. There was something on my mind. That day I received the sad news that Zelig Terebelo, a high school friend, passed away suddenly. He was the most kind, happy and chilled person. Mind you, I hadn’t seen him …

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Sound Sleep!

The Torah in this week’s portion introduces us to the laws of vows. Taking a vow, whether to do something or not to do something, is a binding statement, and has the efficacy of a Torah law. If one disobeys or does not fulfill his vow, he has sinned. If one made a vow and …

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Dan & Gad!

Months before entering into Israel, when the Jews were encamped at the banks of the Jordan River in the Moav region, G-d instructed Moshe and Elozar the High Priest to take a census of the nation. The Torah lists the number of each of the individual tribes and then sums up the total number of …

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Sheer Hatred!

The non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak the King of Moav to curse the Jews. At the onset, Bilaam told Balak that he was under G-d’s authority regarding what he can and cannot do. Obviously, it was a long-shot that G-d would empower Bilaam to curse His children the Jewish people. Even so, with …

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