Category: 5781

A Giant!

This past week, the Jewish people lost one of its great leaders, a giant of a humble man, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein o.b.m. Reb Dovid was the son of the venerable Sage and Halachik authority Rabbi Moshe Feinstein o.b.m. and he assumed that role upon his father’s passing. Reb Dovid was the address and phone number …

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Nick of Time!

The ultimate test of our forefather Avraham’s devotion to G-d was when G-d appeared to him and instructed him to offer his son on an altar. The Torah describes how Avraham swiftly set out on the journey from Be’er Sheva to the area of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, traveling with his son Yitzchok, Yishmael …

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At the Helm!

After G-d sent the great flood to destroy the world, what was left of mankind was only Noach, his three sons, Shem, Cham and Yefes and their wives. The world became populated through Noach’s three sons. The Semitic nations emerged from Shem. In fact, Shem was a righteous person and lived a very long life. …

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Its a Bird!

In this week’s Parsha the Torah introduces us to our forefather Avraham and our matriarch Sarah. Avraham and Sarah were a team providing for the needs of others. Chesed was the mantra of their home. The Torah tells us, “He planted/established an Aishel tree in Be’er Sheva.” Our Sages explain that besides that Avraham planted …

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Oh Man!

The Torah relates that G-d formed man out of the soil of the earth and then He blew life into his nostrils. Man then became a living entity. And so it is with the creation and birth of each human being, G-d, by breathing life into us, is the third partner in our creation. Adam …

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