Category: Bamidbar

Sound Sleep!

The Torah in this week’s portion introduces us to the laws of vows. Taking a vow, whether to do something or not to do something, is a binding statement, and has the efficacy of a Torah law. If one disobeys or does not fulfill his vow, he has sinned. If one made a vow and …

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Dan & Gad!

Months before entering into Israel, when the Jews were encamped at the banks of the Jordan River in the Moav region, G-d instructed Moshe and Elozar the High Priest to take a census of the nation. The Torah lists the number of each of the individual tribes and then sums up the total number of …

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Sheer Hatred!

The non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak the King of Moav to curse the Jews. At the onset, Bilaam told Balak that he was under G-d’s authority regarding what he can and cannot do. Obviously, it was a long-shot that G-d would empower Bilaam to curse His children the Jewish people. Even so, with …

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Special Guests!

We were blessed to be able to walk our son Moshe to his Chupa to marry his Kallah, Ahuva Sternstein on Tuesday evening. We are thankful to Hashem for everything! The marriage/betrothal ceremony is called Kiddushin – which means sanctification. Before the groom slips the ring on the bride’s finger, he proclaims, “I hereby sanctify …

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The other day, right before I was to begin a class for the residents of Webster Towers, the cover of a Time magazine laying on the table caught my eye. The year ‘2020’ was printed in bold with a big red X superimposed on it. The caption read, “The worst year ever.” The name of …

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Two people can visit a city or a sight and see the same things, yet their perspective or feeling about what they are viewing may be poles apart. It all depends on one’s mindset. Some examples: When one is vacationing, his frame of mind is to enjoy his time and his point of view is …

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  This past Shabbos we joined with our family to celebrate the Shabbos Sheva Brochos of our niece Chani. Sheva Brochos are celebratory meals during the seven days following a couple’s marriage. If a Minyan is present seven special blessings are recited over wine following grace after meals. These meals give an opportunity for relatives …

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Duel Citizenship!

While experiencing an uplifting and beautiful Shavuos, I came across an insightful idea brought forth by Rabbi Ahron Leib Shteinman o.b.m. which captures the great capability of man which we were endowed with by G-d. Twice, before G-d’s Revelation at Mount Sinai, G-d instructed Moshe to warn the Jewish people and their animals that they …

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The Medrash relates that G-d wanted to give the Torah to the Jews as soon as they left Egypt. However, he saw, that as the Jews were traveling toward Mount Sinai, there were various disagreements and quarrelling among them. Therefore, G-d waited until they encamped in unison at Mount Sinai. Only when the Jews became …

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