Tag: Shlach

Be Happy!

Last week’s Parsha ends with the episode of Miriam who became a Metzoraas – a leper – for speaking Loshon Harah about her brother Moshe. Our great commentator Rashi asks, why does our Parsha, Shelach, which deals with the spies the Jews sent from the desert into Israel, immediately follow the story of Miriam? Rashi …

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Back in 1984, when I first arrived in Israel, it took me some time to understand and converse in the language, since I had limited exposure to modern Ivrit. One situation that sticks out in my mind was when a person asked me to dial a number for him from a pay phone. A bit …

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Wine Taster!

The story is told about a winemaker who asked the Karliner Rebbe to come to his winery to bestow a blessing on his business. The Rebbe arrived and was given a tour of the facility while the owner explained the detailed process of winemaking. One of the Rebbe’s followers turned to the Rebbe and told …

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Two people can visit a city or a sight and see the same things, yet their perspective or feeling about what they are viewing may be poles apart. It all depends on one’s mindset. Some examples: When one is vacationing, his frame of mind is to enjoy his time and his point of view is …

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One of the most important principles in our lives is to have Ahavas Yisroel – love for our fellow Jew. One of the primary ways this is accomplished is by abiding by the laws of Shemiras Halashon – guarding what we say to others, about the ills or faults of our fellow Jew. Our sages …

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Traditionally, during the seven days that follow the wedding of a newly married couple, celebratory meals are hosted by family and friends. These meals are called Sheva Brochos, because at the conclusion of the Birchas Hamazon – grace after meals, six special blessings directed to the groom and bride are recited over a cup of …

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Impressions of Huge Fruit

(Torah Portion Shlach) Impressions of Huge Fruit When Moshe instructed the 12 spies what to look for when they scouted the Land of Israel, he ordered them to bring back its fruits. The Torah continually stresses the wonderful material and productive qualities of the Land of Israel. Some examples: Israel is often referred to as, …

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(Torah Portion Shlach) Amazing! The Parsha begins with G-d instructing Moshe our leader, “Send for ‘yourself’, spies into the land of Israel.” The usage of ‘for yourself’ is strange. Throughout the Torah, G-d instructs Moshe to share His word with the Jewish people without leaving it up to Moshe to instruct it to the Jewish …

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Self Esteem

(Torah Portion Shlach) Self Esteem! I saw a cute cartoon depicting a mouse sitting in front of a computer screen while navigating with a ‘mouse’ in the shape of a human being. In this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells us that the Jews sent twelve men into the Land of Israel to spy on the …

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Six Hundred Thousand

(Torah Portion Shlach) Six Hundred Thousand! While our forefather Yaacov journeyed from the Land of Israel to Egypt to reunite with his son Yosef, G-d assured Yaacov that he wouldn’t be alone saying, “I will go down with you to Egypt and I will be with you when you leave.” The Torah tells us that …

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