This week’s Parsha records the passing of Miriam and that she was buried in a place called Kadesh on the outskirts of the land of Israel. Miriam was 126 years old. Our Sages tell us that Miriam was buried immediately after she passed away. Commentators point out that Miriam was not suitably eulogized, and therefore, …
Tag: Chukas
Jun 29
Take Notice!
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Bamidbar
The Torah relates that 3300 years ago, the non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak, the King of Moav, to curse the Jewish nation. On his way, Bilaam was continually warned by G-d not to go. Bilaam didn’t dismiss Balak’s request to curse the Jews, and Balak tried to manipulate G-d to allow Bilaam to …
Jul 07
100 Blessings!
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
During a class this week, a participant asked me, “Why are so many tragic and mass shootings happening these days?” Of course, this was in response to the latest shooting in Highland, where some of our own were included in the carnage. I thought to myself for a moment how to respond to this. I …
Feb 24
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Shemos
During creation of the world, G-d sanctified the seventh day as the holy day of Shabbos. Years later, after our freedom from Egypt, G-d chose us, the Jewish nation, to be privileged to serve Him by observing Shabbos which reflects on the sanctity that G-d infused in the holy day! The Torah, in our portion, …
Jun 17
Special Guests!
- By Dovid Saks in 5781, Bamidbar
We were blessed to be able to walk our son Moshe to his Chupa to marry his Kallah, Ahuva Sternstein on Tuesday evening. We are thankful to Hashem for everything! The marriage/betrothal ceremony is called Kiddushin – which means sanctification. Before the groom slips the ring on the bride’s finger, he proclaims, “I hereby sanctify …
Jul 02
Dress Up!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
As the Jews began the final stretch of their journey towards Israel, they met resistance from the nations that stood between them and the land. At each juncture, Moshe sent messengers to the leaders of the nation for permission to pass through in a peaceful manner. He even gave them an economic incentive, telling them …
Jul 11
Different Names!
- By Dovid Saks in 5779, Bamidbar
During the last year that the Jews traveled through the desert, they began advancing towards the Land of Israel. To reach their goal they had to pass through occupied lands. The most direct option was to travel through the land of Seir, which was ruled by the King of Edom. The Torah relates that at …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Chukas) Brotherhood When the Jewish nation traveled through the desert a special ark preceded them, which miraculously flattened any hills or mountains that stood in their way. However, three mountains remained. Mount Sinai – where they received the Torah; Har Hahor – where Aaron was buried, and Har Nevo – where Moshe was …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Chukas) Reminders The Torah records the death of Aaron stating that he was buried on Har Hahor, which is situated on the border of the Land of Edom. Similarly, when the Torah records the passing of Moshe, it says he was buried on Har Nevo, which faces the house of Pe’or. Rabbi Yonoson …
Sep 27
Crumpled $100 Bill
(Torah Portion Chukas) Crumpled $100 Bill A speaker, standing in front of an audience, took out a $100 bill and asked, “Would anyone here throw this out?” The answer was of course a resounding, “No.” He then folded the bill and asked the same question. The response was the same. He folded it over again, …
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Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Scranton, PA US
Parshas Vaera
Candle Lighting Time: 4:51 PM
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