Tag: Vayakeil


After a traditional Jewish wedding, the celebration continues for the next seven days. For the next six nights family or friends host beautiful Sheva Brochos meals. Sheva Brochos means seven blessings because seven blessings are recited after Grace after Meals over a cup of wine in honor of the Choson and Kalah – bride and …

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Recently, while shopping, I used a self-checkout lane. As I approached the exit, an employee asked to see my receipt to verify that all items were accounted for. I began searching for the receipt, and everything came out except the receipt I was asked to produce. I told the person, I must have left the …

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During creation of the world, G-d sanctified the seventh day as the holy day of Shabbos. Years later, after our freedom from Egypt, G-d chose us, the Jewish nation, to be privileged to serve Him by observing Shabbos which reflects on the sanctity that G-d infused in the holy day! The Torah, in our portion, …

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The Best Partner!

On a cold and icy night, Ahuva debated if she should attend her friend’s engagement party. After all, the bad weather was a good excuse to stay home, however, after some consideration, Ahuva decided to brave the conditions to be there for her friend at her Simcha. When Ahuva arrived at the celebration she immediately …

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Outer Space!

Everyone is looking for some guidance and meaning during the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus. Over the past week a number of Rabbis have shared words of inspiration and direction and I wish to share some meaningful points that touched me. Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz pointed out that when one follows the guidelines of social …

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Love’s Got to do With It!

Unfortunately, anti- Semitism is on the rise – and sadly, it’s raising its ugly head throughout the world.  Hate is an awful thing and one has to be blind and deaf not to notice it. But from where does this hatred toward us stem? The Torah relates that Aisav, the brother of our forefather Yaacov, …

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Jewish Women

(Torah Portion Vayakeil) Jewish Women! Not one woman donated anything to create the golden calf, nor did any woman worship the idol. In fact, women were outstandingly faithful in their commitment, devotion and dedication to G-d. It is therefore understandable that women played a prominent role in contributing toward the construction of G-d’s Temple in …

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Spiritual Dividends

(Torah Portion Vayakail/Pekudai) Spiritual Dividends Our leader Moshe was supposed to be in Heaven for 40 days studying the entire Torah from G-d. A segment of the people erroneously calculated that the 40 days had passed and believed Moshe would not return. They panicked and started to rile up a crowd around Moshe’s brother Aaron, …

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Huge Bank Deposit!

(Torah Portion Vayakail/Pekudai) Huge Bank Deposit! In last week’s Shabbat Message we spoke about the special radiance and aura that emanates from one’s countenance at the beginning of Shabbos and continues throughout the holy day. Continuing with this theme, the Medrash focuses on a connection between the concluding subject of last week’s portion and the …

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One Thousand!

(Torah Portion Vayakail) One Thousand! Our leader Moshe gathered the entire nation and addressed them immediately after returning with the second set of the Ten Commandments. Moshe began by reiterating their responsibility to uphold and observe the laws of the Holy Shabbos and then launched a campaign for donations towards the construction of the Temple. …

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