The words one expresses are extremely powerful and effective. We see how binding and serious speech is from the laws the Torah presents concerning expressing oaths and vows. Although the Torah tells us, “Do not profane your words,” in the context of keeping one’s vows, commentators apply this to all aspects of our speech – …
Category: Bamidbar
Jul 09
Tap Into!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
There are people in our history who were unwittingly thrust into the limelight and one could have speculated that they would be unlikely to succeed. Some examples: Our leader Moshe had a speech impediment and was personally not interested in leadership, yet he became the greatest leader, teacher and prophet to ever live. In this …
Jul 02
Dress Up!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
As the Jews began the final stretch of their journey towards Israel, they met resistance from the nations that stood between them and the land. At each juncture, Moshe sent messengers to the leaders of the nation for permission to pass through in a peaceful manner. He even gave them an economic incentive, telling them …
Jun 24
Levelheaded Wife!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
This week’s portion contains a dispute involving Korach, from the Levite tribe, who took issue with Aaron being appointed Kohain Godol. Korach, who was Aaron’s cousin, felt slighted that he was not chosen to be Koahin Godol and took issue with our leader Moshe’s authority. He accused Moshe of nepotism by covertly appointing his brother …
Jun 18
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
One of the most important principles in our lives is to have Ahavas Yisroel – love for our fellow Jew. One of the primary ways this is accomplished is by abiding by the laws of Shemiras Halashon – guarding what we say to others, about the ills or faults of our fellow Jew. Our sages …
Jun 10
Treasure Hunt!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
The culmination of a ten year search for a hidden treasure was in the news this week. Forrest Fenn of Santa Fe, New Mexico who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, was an art and precious coin collector. Wishing to leave a legacy, he hid a treasure trove filled with a million dollars of collectables …
Jun 03
Times Running Out!
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
Back in March as the Corona virus was attacking Israel, a Bais Din – court of Jewish Law – suspended their non-time-sensitive functions due to the overwhelming amount of questions and in order to dispense rulings related to the virus and its effects. A prospective convert kept calling the head of the court to set …
May 20
- By Dovid Saks in 5780, Bamidbar
This Shabbos we begin the fourth book of the Torah, Bamidbar – Numbers. The book is called Bamidbar – which literally means in the desert – because the book describes the bulk of the travels and encampments of the Jews during the 40 years they spent in the desert. However, it is called the Book …
Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Parshas Vayechi
Candle Lighting Time: 11:42 PM
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