Category: 5783

No Summons!

The way our calendar is structured, Rosh Hashana cannot begin on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. The Ashkenazic custom is for us to begin reciting the Selichos – penitential prayers – on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashana, provided that Rosh Hashana begins on a Thursday or Shabbos. If Rosh Hashana begins on a Monday …

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The other day I visited an elderly woman who is confined to a bed. However, she is sharp minded and amazingly upbeat. She asked me if I had anything special to tell her. Pointing to the window, I said it was a magnificent sunny day. She said that does not really help her since it …

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The Medrash quotes a verse from Proverbs, “For they are a wreath of grace,” and explains that it refers to Mitzvos that accompany a person wherever he goes. Reb Pinchos begins with a Mitzva that is included in this week’s Parsha. When you build a house, the Torah tells us to build a safety fence …

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Graphic Image!

The Torah instructs us to appoint honest and wise judges in each city, stating, “Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof – You shall surely pursue righteousness.” Based on this, the official stamp of the great sage Rabbi Akiva Eiger had a picture of a scale with the aforementioned verse underneath. The signet of the great kabbalist, Rabbi Avraham …

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Remarkable Dividends!

The Torah clearly and repeatedly prohibits any type of idol worship. In our Parsha, Moshe details the laws of a false prophet or dreamer who performs a sign or wonder, and based on it will say, “Let us follow other gods that you do not know, and we shall worship them.” The Torah instructs us …

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Our Leader!

The devotion of our leader Moshe to the Jewish people was unparalleled. Moshe loved life and he pleaded with G-d numerous times to keep him alive. Moshe did not pray to G-d because he craved life’s experiences. Rather, he desired life, for only when one is alive do they have the opportunity to serve G-d. …

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When our forefather Yaacov was leaving the land of Israel to look for a wife, the Torah relates that he stopped at a ‘place’ where he prayed and then went to sleep. Our Sages teach us that he established the nightly Maariv prayer. That night he had a prophecy of a ladder which stemmed from …

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Earn It!

The second portion we read this week, Massai, details the names of the 42 stops the Jews made while traversing the desert towards the Land of Israel. A question is asked, why did the Jews have to go through such efforts to get to the Land? Our Sages tell us that the Land of Israel …

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In this week’s Parsha, Moshe appoints his devoted student Yehoshua as his successor. Leadership comes with great and awesome responsibilities. Reb Aaron Cohen, the son-in-law of the saintly Chofetz Chaim, applied for the position of Rabbi in a city. When he was turned down, he shared his feeling of rejection with his father-in-law. The Chofetz …

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Take Notice!

The Torah relates that 3300 years ago, the non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak, the King of Moav, to curse the Jewish nation. On his way, Bilaam was continually warned by G-d not to go. Bilaam didn’t dismiss Balak’s request to curse the Jews, and Balak tried to manipulate G-d to allow Bilaam to …

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