Tag: Vaeschanan


This week, we observed the fast of Tisha B’Av and mourned over the destruction of our Temples in Jerusalem. One of the more intriguing laws of the observances of Tisha B’Av is that we are restricted from studying Torah on Tisha B’Av. The reason for this is that when we study Torah, it brings us …

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When our forefather Yaacov was leaving the land of Israel to look for a wife, the Torah relates that he stopped at a ‘place’ where he prayed and then went to sleep. Our Sages teach us that he established the nightly Maariv prayer. That night he had a prophecy of a ladder which stemmed from …

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On Tisha B’Av at night I received a message from our friends Richie and Julie Rutta about the birth of a grandson, and then in the morning I received a text from my sister Chayala and Akiva Gonter about the birth of a granddaughter. Tisha B’Av is a sad day, yet how can you not …

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Winning Ticket!

The law indicates that when the month of Av arrives we are to lessen the degree of our Simcha ― joy. This is because in the month of Av both of our Temples were destroyed and other tragic events in our history transpired during the month and particularly on the ninth day of Av. One …

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Out of Order!

The Book of Eicha – Lamentations – is chanted in a sorrowful tune on Tisha B’Av. This Megilla was scribed by the Prophet Jeremiah before the destruction of the first Temple as a warning to the people. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears and his prophetic words became a reality when the Babylonians destroyed the …

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Six Paramount Words!

This week, a woman who became a great-grandmother for the first time, told me that she would be heading out of town to visit the baby and that during her stay she would whisper the Shema Yisroel prayer into the baby’s ear. This is something that the child’s parents would not be doing because of …

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Sounds and Silence!

Our Parsha is set at the plains of Moav on the banks of the Jordan River, at the conclusion of the Jews’ travels through the desert. It was the end of the fortieth year from when they left Egypt. Just before Moshe’s death, he took the opportunity to have a heart to heart talk with …

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Every Step You Take

(Torah Portion Vaeschanan) Every Step You Take Do you ever wonder if what we do spiritually really makes a difference? Let me share with you a fascinating incident recorded in the Book of Kings and expounded upon in the Talmud and commentaries, which conveys to us that every minute step we take in the right …

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Never Ending Sound

(Torah Portion Va’eschanan) Never Ending Sound Twice each Shabbos we recite King David’s 29th Psalm that begins with the word Mizmor L’Dovid. The first time is Friday evening during the Kabalas Shabbos – welcoming Shabbos prayer and the second time is after reading the Torah scroll while it is carried back into the ark. This …

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Will Power!

(Torah Portion Va’eschanan) Will Power! Someone once posed an unusual question to Rabbi Moshe Feinstein o.b.m.: “I have a friend who gave me permission to speak Lashon Harah – ill speech or gossip – about himself. Am I permitted to talk about things that are derogatory to him?” Rabbi Feinstein responded, “I don’t understand the …

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