Category: Bamidbar

Earn It!

The second portion we read this week, Massai, details the names of the 42 stops the Jews made while traversing the desert towards the Land of Israel. A question is asked, why did the Jews have to go through such efforts to get to the Land? Our Sages tell us that the Land of Israel …

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In this week’s Parsha, Moshe appoints his devoted student Yehoshua as his successor. Leadership comes with great and awesome responsibilities. Reb Aaron Cohen, the son-in-law of the saintly Chofetz Chaim, applied for the position of Rabbi in a city. When he was turned down, he shared his feeling of rejection with his father-in-law. The Chofetz …

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Take Notice!

The Torah relates that 3300 years ago, the non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak, the King of Moav, to curse the Jewish nation. On his way, Bilaam was continually warned by G-d not to go. Bilaam didn’t dismiss Balak’s request to curse the Jews, and Balak tried to manipulate G-d to allow Bilaam to …

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Our Parsha deals with a full-blown disagreement and argument between Korach and our leader Moshe. Korach was offended because he was overlooked when Moshe chose a younger cousin to a prestigious position. Of course, Moshe chose the younger cousin through the instruction of G-d, however, Korach couldn’t handle it. He became incensed and decided to …

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Back in 1984, when I first arrived in Israel, it took me some time to understand and converse in the language, since I had limited exposure to modern Ivrit. One situation that sticks out in my mind was when a person asked me to dial a number for him from a pay phone. A bit …

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Elevated Air!

Over the past few days the northeastern parts of the US have been experiencing a haze and a strong smell of smoke which is emanating from a large forest fire in Quebec, some hundreds of miles away. I found it fascinating that I was walking outside in Scranton PA and thinking there was a raging …

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1500th Edition!

The Torah mandates that produce that is grown in the land of Israel is subject to certain tithes. A percentage is given to a Kohain; after that, a tenth is given to a Levite. The Levite in turn gives a percentage of his gift to a Kohain. Additionally, dependent on the year of the Sabbatical …

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  In this week’s Parsha, G-d commands Moshe to take a census of the Jewish males ranging from 20-60 years of age. The total came to 603,550. Moshe was also instructed to take two additional censuses. One, of the tribe of Levi, and another of the first-born males. The total for the Levites came to …

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