Tag: Ki Savo


The Portion of Ki Savo was my Bar Mitzvah Parsha. I was taught the Laining/reading and cantillations from a very patient and kind teacher, Rabbi Yaacov Pressman. Besides being an excellent elementary grade Rebbe, he had a talent to teach and prepare many boys for their Bar Mitzvah. The other week, I heard the sad …

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The other day I visited an elderly woman who is confined to a bed. However, she is sharp minded and amazingly upbeat. She asked me if I had anything special to tell her. Pointing to the window, I said it was a magnificent sunny day. She said that does not really help her since it …

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Royal Etiquette!

From the first day of the month of Elul through the Holiday of Succos, we recite Psalm 27, which begins with L’Dovid at the conclusion of the Shacharis prayers. Depending on the custom of the Shul, the Psalm is again recited either after Mincha or after Maariv. I wondered, why is it recited only twice …

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In the Parsha, Moshe instructs the Jews that after they cross over the Jordan River into the Land of Israel they are to immediately travel to the City of Shechem, a distance of about 35 miles, where they will find two mountains that face each other, Har Grizim and Har Aival. At these mountains the …

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The True You!

The great commentator, Baal Haturim, culls a fascinating list of 70 Names that allude to G-d. Some of these Names of G-d have special holiness and we may not say them in vain. Ad-o-noy and E-lo-him are two of these special Names and these are mentioned most often in our blessings and prayers. These two …

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Because I’m Happy!

In this week’s portion the Torah tells us of personal and national tragedies that will befall the Jewish people if they do not uphold and observe the Torah. Surprisingly, in the middle of the rebuke the verse states, “These calamities will come upon you because in the midst of your plenty you did not serve …

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Blessings Olam!

This week’s Torah portion begins with the Mitzvah of Bikurim. The owner of a field in the Land of Israel has a Mitzvah to declare as Bikurim the first fruits to bud from the seven species that Israel is noted for; wheat, barley, grapes, figs, olives, pomegranates, and dates. He identifies the first fruits by …

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Joyful Celebration

(Torah Portion Ki Savo) Joyful Celebration In the early 1900’s in Newark, New Jersey, a very wealthy businessman’s mother passed away. After the burial, he returned to her house to sit Shiva. The next morning, he felt it impossible to stay away from the office for the week, and wished to head to work. However, …

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Maestro, Please!

(Torah Portion Ki Savo) Maestro, Please! In this week’s portion the Torah relates that G-d entered an alliance with the Jews – with us accepting the Almighty and following His precepts, and the Almighty taking us as His treasured, praised and sanctified nation. Through abiding by this agreement, G-d guarantees that we will be the …

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(Torah Portion Ki Savo) Amen! While the Jews were still in the desert just before they went into the Land of Israel, Moshe instructed them that immediately upon entering Israel they were to assemble at the mountains of Grizim and Eival in the Shechem region and take an oath to uphold the Torah. Although Moshe …

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