A customer walked into a wholesaler and placed a large order. When his account was brought up, it was flagged for an overdue balance, and he was told that his order could not be accepted. The customer pleaded that they give him another chance and gave his word that he would pay as soon as …
Category: Bamidbar
Jul 21
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
This past Shabbos, while reviewing the portion of Balak I came across a subtle but striking comment of Rashi that captures a defense mechanism which people use when they wish to disregard G-d or take G-dliness out of the picture. The Torah relates that Balak hired the non-Jewish prophet, Bilaam, to curse the Jews. G-d …
Jul 14
Outside the Box!
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
While paying a Shiva visit to my nephew, Rabbi Elchonon Schecter, upon the loss of his mother Miriam, he relayed the following story which captured her creativity in performing her numerous acts of chesed. In the early 1990’s when home computers were rare, the Schecters had a computer and printer in their home giving them …
Jul 07
100 Blessings!
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
During a class this week, a participant asked me, “Why are so many tragic and mass shootings happening these days?” Of course, this was in response to the latest shooting in Highland, where some of our own were included in the carnage. I thought to myself for a moment how to respond to this. I …
Jun 30
Check Out!
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
Korach, a prestigious and wealthy member of the Levite tribe, felt snubbed when a younger cousin was appointed as the prince of his group of Levites. His personal gripe led him to speak out against our leader Moshe. He doubted the authenticity of Moshe’s divinely appointed leadership, and accused Moshe of nepotism by giving his …
Jun 23
Wine Taster!
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
The story is told about a winemaker who asked the Karliner Rebbe to come to his winery to bestow a blessing on his business. The Rebbe arrived and was given a tour of the facility while the owner explained the detailed process of winemaking. One of the Rebbe’s followers turned to the Rebbe and told …
Jun 16
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
Reb Shlomo Carlebach o.b.m. was famous for his melodious voice and for composing many soulful songs. His songs have remained timeless favorites. Reb Shlomo was also a great storyteller. He inspired others by using his talent of blending a story together with his distinct sing song that accentuated the point like no one else could. Reb …
Jun 09
- By Dovid Saks in 5782, Bamidbar
This Parsha is host to the priestly blessing that begins with the word Yivarechecha. This fifteen-word blessing is familiar to us, being used on many occasions. In the diaspora, during the five yearly holidays, at the Musaf prayer, the Kohanim – priests – ascend the Duchan and bless the people. They begin by spreading their …
Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Scranton, PA US
Parshas Vaera
Candle Lighting Time: 4:51 PM
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