Dovid Saks

Author's posts

Earn It!

The second portion we read this week, Massai, details the names of the 42 stops the Jews made while traversing the desert towards the Land of Israel. A question is asked, why did the Jews have to go through such efforts to get to the Land? Our Sages tell us that the Land of Israel …

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In this week’s Parsha, Moshe appoints his devoted student Yehoshua as his successor. Leadership comes with great and awesome responsibilities. Reb Aaron Cohen, the son-in-law of the saintly Chofetz Chaim, applied for the position of Rabbi in a city. When he was turned down, he shared his feeling of rejection with his father-in-law. The Chofetz …

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Take Notice!

The Torah relates that 3300 years ago, the non-Jewish prophet Bilaam was hired by Balak, the King of Moav, to curse the Jewish nation. On his way, Bilaam was continually warned by G-d not to go. Bilaam didn’t dismiss Balak’s request to curse the Jews, and Balak tried to manipulate G-d to allow Bilaam to …

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Our Parsha deals with a full-blown disagreement and argument between Korach and our leader Moshe. Korach was offended because he was overlooked when Moshe chose a younger cousin to a prestigious position. Of course, Moshe chose the younger cousin through the instruction of G-d, however, Korach couldn’t handle it. He became incensed and decided to …

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Back in 1984, when I first arrived in Israel, it took me some time to understand and converse in the language, since I had limited exposure to modern Ivrit. One situation that sticks out in my mind was when a person asked me to dial a number for him from a pay phone. A bit …

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Elevated Air!

Over the past few days the northeastern parts of the US have been experiencing a haze and a strong smell of smoke which is emanating from a large forest fire in Quebec, some hundreds of miles away. I found it fascinating that I was walking outside in Scranton PA and thinking there was a raging …

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1500th Edition!

The Torah mandates that produce that is grown in the land of Israel is subject to certain tithes. A percentage is given to a Kohain; after that, a tenth is given to a Levite. The Levite in turn gives a percentage of his gift to a Kohain. Additionally, dependent on the year of the Sabbatical …

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The special Holiday of Shavuos will envelop us on Thursday evening giving us an opportunity to bask in the holiness of the two days of the holiday with the added benefit of Shabbos as well. Shavuos represents the time when G-d gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai when He proclaimed the Ten Commandments in …

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  In this week’s Parsha, G-d commands Moshe to take a census of the Jewish males ranging from 20-60 years of age. The total came to 603,550. Moshe was also instructed to take two additional censuses. One, of the tribe of Levi, and another of the first-born males. The total for the Levites came to …

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This week, while studying Daf Yomi – a systematic worldwide daily page of Talmud study – I came across the following. The Gemorah/Talmud asks, what words do the congregation recite when the Chazon recites Modim/Thanks during his repetition of the Amidah. The Gemorah quotes the opinions of five Sages. Each one presented a particular expression …

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