Category: Vayikra


This week, while studying Daf Yomi – a systematic worldwide daily page of Talmud study – I came across the following. The Gemorah/Talmud asks, what words do the congregation recite when the Chazon recites Modim/Thanks during his repetition of the Amidah. The Gemorah quotes the opinions of five Sages. Each one presented a particular expression …

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The Torah instructs us to count each day from the second day of Pesach for 49 days until the Holiday of Shavuos. Today is the 28th day of the Omer count, which means the holiday of Shavuos will be in three weeks. The Sefiras Ha’Omer counting period is observed as a semi-mourning period. There are …

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Israeli journalist, Sivan Rahav-Meir recently wrote about a group of Israeli teenagers who were finalists in an international competition of robotics in Houston, Texas. Their team consisted of students from the Amit High School in Modi’in and had succeeded in reaching the final stage of the competition which was held on Shabbat. They wrote a …

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The month of Nissan was chosen as the first month of the lunar calendar year because that is when G-d instructed Moshe in the laws determining that Rosh Chodesh is at the first appearance of the moon. Nissan holds a special place for G-d, since in this month He freed His nation from Egypt and …

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No Eggs!

This week’s entire Torah portion consists of the laws of the various sacrifices that were offered in the Temple. The first blood taken from an animal or a bird sacrifice was dashed in a certain way on the Altar and certain fats of the animal were offered on the Altar. The Torah forbids us to …

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