At the conclusion of our Parsha, the Torah speaks of a disturbing incident where a Jew uttered a curse against G-d. What triggered him to do such an abominable thing? Rashi quotes Reb Brachia who says that the one who cursed had an issue with the command in the Torah immediately preceding this incident. The …
Tag: Emor
Sep 27
A Glimpse of the Humble
(Torah Portion Emor) A Glimpse of the Humble According to our Kabalistic teachings, each Hebrew month of the year has a unique color/stone, a Hebrew letter, and is associated with a particular tribe. Iyar, the month we welcome today, is associated with the Hebrew letter Vuv. The letter Vuv means, “and” when it appears as …
Sep 27
Rebbe Shimon
(Torah Portion Emor) Rebbe Shimon! Today is the Thirty-Third day of the Omer count, which is known as Lag B’Omer. What makes this day so special? Almost two thousand years ago, 24,000 devout students of Rebbe Akiva, one of the greatest Sages in Israel, died during the period between the Holiday of Pesach and the …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Emor) Challah! The number ten has been universally accepted as a number of significance since time immemorial. Rabbi Yaacov Kaminetzky o.b.m. points to its source: The Mishna in Ethics of our Fathers relates that during the seven days of creation G-d uttered ten statements of creation. They are recorded in the Torah, and …
Sep 27
Wherever You Are
(Torah Portion Emor) Wherever You Are! Let’s talk about the weekly Shabbat. The Torah in this week’s portion introduces the observance of the Holy day of Shabbat before describing the rules and rituals of festivals and holidays that occur during the year. Commentators ask, what is the purpose of listing the Shabbat together with the …
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