Category: Shemos

The Best Partner!

On a cold and icy night, Ahuva debated if she should attend her friend’s engagement party. After all, the bad weather was a good excuse to stay home, however, after some consideration, Ahuva decided to brave the conditions to be there for her friend at her Simcha. When Ahuva arrived at the celebration she immediately …

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For the past twenty-six years, I have had the privilege to dispense Torah ideas through the Shabbat Shalom Message. This week we complete our twenty-sixth cycle of messages! I consider it an enormous merit and responsibility to provide and share Torah ideas, information and inspiration to the many readers who come from a varied background …

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In the beginning of November 2020, the Jewish world lost its foremost Halachic Posaik – one who decides and rules on Torah law – Rabbi Dovid Feinstein o.b.m. His greatness in Torah knowledge corresponded to his deep humility and unassuming character. He was the final address to rule on the most complex Halachic questions or …

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Still Alive!

Tomorrow is the Seventh day of the month of Adar. This day has significance because it is the Yahrzait of our leader Moshe. Moshe passed away a little more than a month before the Jews entered the land of Israel under the leadership of Yehoshua. We are not the only ones who keep tabs on …

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We know that a Jew is forbidden to eat Treif – non kosher. The Torah tells us something extraordinary. When one’s animal has been killed or has died and is rendered Treif – the Torah tells the owner to dispose of it by casting it to the dog. Rashi asks, why does the Torah highlight …

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Gradual Approach!

This week’s portion is host to the monumental foundation of our belief in G-d and the source of our direct relationship with G-d, when we became His ambassadors to fulfill and adhere to His Mitzvos and Torah. This colossal event is when G-d declared the Ten Commandments in the presence of the entire Jewish nation …

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Daily Song!

The Torah relates that many Egyptians came along with the Jews when they left Egypt. These Egyptians were awestruck by G-d’s many miracles and wanted to be part of the Jewish nation. The Medrash states that an astronomical number of Egyptians joined them. A question raised is, why does G-d specifically praise the Jews through …

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This Torah portion speaks of the final three plagues that G-d brought upon the Egyptians which finally freed the Jews from Egypt. A common thread in these three plagues is that they all had an element of darkness in them. The Torah tells us that the dense swarm of locust darkened the land of Egypt. …

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The other day my son Shua sent me a picture of his 2 year old son Yehuda standing in his crib with his hand on his hip. The caption was, the king! I responded; “The Pharoh was just about the same size.” My son sent back a laughing emoji. Our Sages tells us that the …

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The second book of the Torah is referred to as the book of redemption. It begins with the Pharoh implementing a policy of slavery on the Jewish people and progressively instilling immense pain and torture upon them. When the Jews cried out to G-d to save them, G-d dispatched Moshe at the Burning Bush to …

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