The Best Partner!

On a cold and icy night, Ahuva debated if she should attend her friend’s engagement party. After all, the bad weather was a good excuse to stay home, however, after some consideration, Ahuva decided to brave the conditions to be there for her friend at her Simcha.

When Ahuva arrived at the celebration she immediately went over to wish Mazal Tov to her friend, the Kalah – bride – to-be. The bride then introduced Ahuva to her Choson – groom to-be.

After the celebration, the Choson and Kalah were talking and the Choson said, “I know an eligible young man by the name of Moshe who would be very suitable for your friend Ahuva. However, since I haven’t been in touch with him for a while I would be uncomfortable calling him about this idea.” The Choson thought for a moment and then said, “I know a good friend of Moshe and I’ll ask him to pass on the information about Ahuva to Moshe.”

The Choson contacted his friend and it turned out that this friend was actually a study partner at the Yeshiva with Moshe. He spoke to Moshe who turned over to his parents the information about Ahuva. This friend also contacted Ahuva’s parents with Moshe’s information. Both families checked out to see if it was indeed a good idea for them to date. They both agreed to set up a date.

To formally arrange the meeting between Ahuva and Moshe, Ahuva’s parents sought out a Shadchan – matchmaker –who contacted Moshe’s parents and they began dating.

Well, things went quite well and took off and…. with abundance of gratitude to Hashem, we are thrilled to share with you that our son Moshe Saks is engaged to the wonderful Ahuva Sternstein from Lakewood NJ. Mazal Tov!

A reason I gave the background as to how Moshe and Ahuva were introduced is because our Sages tell us that even though with the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem G-d’s presence is not apparent, when it comes to matching couples together – the train of ‘random’ events and decisions that lead to a couple meeting and deciding to get married – are apparent, and directly point to the open Hand of G-d orchestrating everything.

When I related the details of Moshe’s Kallah to my father, he asked me who the Shadchan was. I told him that it was Mrs. Nechama Saslow. He smiled and told me that he and my mother o.b.m. many years back had been the Shadchan for a person by the name Saslow. When I was on the phone with Nechama, she told me that her husband said to her, “Do you know, Moshe Saks’ grandparents were my parents’ Shadchan!”

The truth is that throughout our lives there is a continuous series of ‘connecting the dots.’ Our actions, decisions and the words we choose all trigger what G-d has in store for us!

The Portions we read this week and the past few portions, relate to the materials, dimensions and construction of the Temple the Jews built while they were in the desert.

This begs a question. What was the purpose of the Torah spending so much time discussing and repeating the details of the construction of the Temple edifice and vessels?

An answer offered is that we can take lessons from the way everything is written in the Torah.

For example: Although the Jews were accustomed to back breaking labor in Egypt, just a few months after leaving Egypt they were able to create garments and curtains with intricate weaving and embroidery. They also made fine art of gold and silver for the vessels in the Temple. How did they acquire the skills? Looking at the verses of the Torah one will notice that anyone who had an eager heart to do the work stepped forth and G-d invested them with the skill and knowledge to do so.  The Chofetz Chaim explained that the people who committed themselves to the project placed their entire heart into it. Their desire, determination and drive to do the work was so intense that G-d filled them with the knowledge, knowhow and ability to do what they were instructed to do even though they had not been taught previously nor did they have experience with such work.

This concept applies to whatever a person sets his mind and determination to do in spiritual matters. Hashem will give him the strength, ability and assistance to make sure that he accomplishes his goals!

To further this idea, when couples, relatives, friends or associates are faced with tension or discord, the way to achieve the goal of Shalom, is for both to come forth and state their interest in working things out for the sake of the greater picture of harmony and peace. Once they both have the mindset and heart set on the goal of the virtues and benefits of blessings of peace, G-d becomes a partner in the peace process and facilitates its accomplishments in ways that only He can inspire and grant!