Tag: Tetzaveh


I have an early childhood recollection of walking from Shul with my father and older brother. To keep me entertained, my brother would tell me, “Look, it appears the moon is following you.” He said, “Watch, if you go to the left of me, or to the right of me, the moon will always follow …

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The great genius of Vilna, the Vilna Gaon, makes the following enigmatic play on words: “The holiest day of the year, Yom HaKipurim, is likened to the Holiday of Purim!” Now, on face value there are no days of the year more polar opposite than Yom Kippur and Purim. As we know, Yom Kippur is …

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Public vs. Private!

In the Parsha, the Torah instructs the Kohanim/Priests to kindle the Menorah in the Temple every afternoon, and to clean out the residue of the lamps in the morning. These two services had to coincide with the twice daily incense offering on the incense Altar that was located inside the Temple building. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein …

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In the beginning of November 2020, the Jewish world lost its foremost Halachic Posaik – one who decides and rules on Torah law – Rabbi Dovid Feinstein o.b.m. His greatness in Torah knowledge corresponded to his deep humility and unassuming character. He was the final address to rule on the most complex Halachic questions or …

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What If !

In the course of life there are countless times when we make decisions that impact upon our future and destiny. The decisions may relate to medical treatment, religious matters, investments, careers, relationships, education, or interpersonal relationships. At times we reflect on a decision we made and realize that had we decided otherwise it would have …

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In the beginning of the Megilla of Esther it describes the decor, draperies, pillars and ambiance of the king’s palace. One of the materials mentioned is, Chur, which begins with the letter Ches. This letter Ches is traditionally written in a larger font. The Rokaech enlightens us with the deeper meaning of the large Ches. …

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Faithful Leadership

(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) Faithful Leadership From the point that the Torah relates the birth of Moshe until the end of the Torah when it relates his passing, Moshe’s name is mentioned in every portion except for this week’s Parsha of Tetzaveh. Obviously there is a reason for this. The great commentator, Baal Haturim explains that …

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The True Champions

(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) The True Champions! Today is the 7th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, the Yahrtzait – anniversary of the passing of our leader Moshe. Haman, the wicked nemesis of the Jews, drew lots in order to determine an opportune day to exterminate the Jews. The month of Adar was picked, and …

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An Unusual Relationship

(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) An Unusual Relationship Since I was young, one of the most fascinating tidbits of information for me regarding the Purim story is Mordechai’s unusual relationship and connection with the wicked Haman. The Medrash tells us, that years before the miracle of Purim unfolded, both Mordechai and Haman were appointed by the King …

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Criminal Minds

(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) Criminal Minds! Early this week the Jerusalem Post reported that a car bomb exploded in a residential section of Petach Tikva, Israel. A woman awakened by the blast, ran to her sixth floor balcony and saw a car torn apart by the explosion and engulfed in flames. Stuck in the car was …

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