Tag: Yisro

He Joined!

Our portion is called Yisro. The Torah identifies Yisro as the minister of the country of Midyan, and the father-in-law of our leader Moshe. Our Sages tell us that Yisro had previous connections to Egypt. He was actually one of the three main advisors to the Pharoh. When Pharoh asked their opinion what to do …

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There are certain acts of kindness that the recipient never forgets. He regularly reflects on the kindness and seeks to emulate it. One such kindness that I personally experienced goes back 37 years. When I was engaged, my cousin Chesky Paneth came over to me with an envelope containing $400 to treat me to my …

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Seeing Sounds!

  The Torah, describing the scene building up to G-d’s Revelation at Mount Sinai, says, there was thunder, lightning and a Shofar blast. The Torah then makes an astounding statement, “The entire nation saw the sounds!” Rashi quotes the Medrash that says they actually were able to see the sounds! How can we understand this? …

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Gradual Approach!

This week’s portion is host to the monumental foundation of our belief in G-d and the source of our direct relationship with G-d, when we became His ambassadors to fulfill and adhere to His Mitzvos and Torah. This colossal event is when G-d declared the Ten Commandments in the presence of the entire Jewish nation …

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Our Parsha is host to the narrative of the colossal one-time event when G-d appeared at Mount Sinai and proclaimed the Ten Commandments in the presence of the entire Jewish Nation. Rashi, quoting the Medrash, explains some of the verses related to the Revelation. The nation saw – means that all the blind were healed. …

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The other week, I was sitting with family members at the dinner of my niece’s wedding, when an unfamiliar man stood near our table looking for a place to sit, we invited him to sit with us and he introduced himself as the father of the bride’s good friend. In the course of our conversation, …

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Truthful Double Talk

(Torah Portion Yisro) Truthful Double Talk “Don’t you remember me?” Josh exclaimed as he tried to catch the attention of the person who was heading towards him at a function. By the expressionless look on the man’s face, Josh saw that he had no clue of who he was. Josh excitedly began, “About twenty five …

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A Bumper Sticker

(Torah Portion Yisro) A Bumper Sticker Last week, as I was pulling out of a parking space, a bumper sticker on the car in front of me caught my eye. The insight was profound, “G-d does not believe in atheists!” Pretty compelling! That same day, I shared this powerful one liner with one of my …

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Mid Flight Exchange

(Torah Portion Yisro) Mid Flight Exchange It is quite common that we strike up a conversation with our seatmate on a plane, and often worthwhile business connections are thus forged. At times, the person sitting next to you is a fellow Jew and inevitably the conversation turns to affiliations, beliefs, Israel and family. A friend …

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Inspired From Above!

(Torah Portion Yisro) Inspired From Above! In this week’s Parsha the Torah relates how Yisro, Moshe’s father in law, traveled from his homeland in Midyan to embrace the Torah mandate and join the Jewish people. Moshe’s wife Tzipora and their sons Gershom and Eliezer accompanied him and were rejoined with Moshe. Moshe began relating to …

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