Recently, while shopping, I used a self-checkout lane. As I approached the exit, an employee asked to see my receipt to verify that all items were accounted for. I began searching for the receipt, and everything came out except the receipt I was asked to produce. I told the person, I must have left the …
Category: Shemos
Mar 09
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
Twenty-eight years ago, I embarked on a project, to send out a weekly D’var Torah. I called it the Shabbat Shalom Fax – since at that time, February 1995, faxes were the means of spreading information to the masses in a timely fashion. After some time, recipients began calling it the Saks Fax. As technology …
Mar 02
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
The great genius of Vilna, the Vilna Gaon, makes the following enigmatic play on words: “The holiest day of the year, Yom HaKipurim, is likened to the Holiday of Purim!” Now, on face value there are no days of the year more polar opposite than Yom Kippur and Purim. As we know, Yom Kippur is …
Feb 23
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
We spent this past Shabbos at the home of our children, Rabbi Reuven and Gitty Epstein, in Toms River, New Jersey and attended the Shul which is led by Rabbi Meir Boruch Turin, a Scranton native. The Shul was graced with a visiting Rabbi from Israel, Rabbi Simcha Scheinberg, who gave an inspiring speech during …
Feb 16
Beyond Range!
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
Immediately following the Parsha of Yisro, which narrates G-d’s Revelation at Mount Sinai, the portion of Mishpatim, which means laws, is presented. It may appear surprising that the first law listed concerns a Jewish person who was in a dire situation and wound up either being sold or sold himself to a Jewish master. The …
Feb 09
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
There are certain acts of kindness that the recipient never forgets. He regularly reflects on the kindness and seeks to emulate it. One such kindness that I personally experienced goes back 37 years. When I was engaged, my cousin Chesky Paneth came over to me with an envelope containing $400 to treat me to my …
Feb 02
Going Beyond!
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
The other day, a friend called me and told me the following story: In the Shul that he attends, he was introduced to a person who does driving on the side to supplement his income. Although using Uber is more economical, he hired the driver for an early pick up the next day. That evening …
Jan 26
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
The fourth of the Ten Commandments is that we must remember and observe the holy day of Shabbos. The institution of Shabbos is so that we remember that G-d ceased from creative activities on the seventh day of creation. In addition, the Torah states that it is a remembrance of our servitude in Egypt. The …
Jan 19
The Leader!
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
Pharaoh stubbornly disregarded G-d’s overwhelming power shown to him and his people through the plagues. Since Pharaoh so severely misused his freedom of choice, G-d took it away from him. Therefore, from the fifth plague on, although under normal circumstances Pharaoh would have conceded and let the Jews out, since he had abused his power …
Jan 12
- By Dovid Saks in 5783, Shemos
The Parsha introduces us to the servitude of the Jews in Egypt. It is no surprise that the Jews were enslaved, because years before, when G-d appeared to our forefather Avraham at the Treaty of the Halves, G-d informed Avraham that his descendants will be enslaved, because of a slight infraction of Avraham who asked …
Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Parshas Vaera
Candle Lighting Time: 11:42 PM
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