Category: 5783

A Boost!

At the end of the life of our forefather Yaacov, his son Yosef came to his bedside with his two sons, Menashe and Efraim. Yaacov proclaimed that these grandchildren, Efraim and Menashe, will each be a tribal head among the ranks of his own children. Yaacov then spread out his hands to bless Efraim and …

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Pristine Scroll!

I’ll share some of the laws and traditions involved in the writing of a Sefer Torah.   Hashem entrusted us, His special nation Klal Yisroel, with the responsibility of representing Him in this world by upholding and observing the Torah He gave to us. On the last day of his life, our leader Moshe wrote …

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Our Own Temple!

The Torah describes the intricate design of the beautiful, seven branched, golden Menorah used in the Temple. Moshe was instructed to form it from a solid piece of gold, and he was unable to do so. G-d said to him, “You tried and did what you were able to do. Now, take the block of …

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No Way!

When I was in Pre-1A, we put on a play during a school assembly around Chanukah time. The play was called ‘Chana and her seven children,” a tragic episode of faith and martyrdom that is recorded in the Talmud. I am still not sure why this tragic story was chosen to be enacted by 5-6-year …

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A Kiss!

The Torah describes the dramatic encounter between the two brothers Yaacov and Aisav after decades of separation. Aisav had major issues with Yaacov from the time he received the patriarchal blessing from their father Yitzchok. Aisav’s hatred was so intense that he wished to kill Yaacov. In preparation for this meeting, Yaacov prepared a series …

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Comfort Zone!

Each one of our forefathers excelled in a particular character trait. Avraham was the paradigm of Chesed. Yitzchok was the model of reverence and service to G-d, and Yaacov was the prototype of being a man of truth. Rabbi Yaacov Kamenetzky o.b.m. points out something thought-provoking regarding the challenges each of our forefathers faced. Avraham …

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Great and Greater!

The Torah relates there was a famine in the land of Israel and our forefather Yitzchok wished to travel to Egypt as his father Avraham had done when famine struck. G-d appeared to Yitzchok and told him to remain in the land of the Philistines and not to advance to Egypt. Yitzchok could not leave …

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We refer to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaacov as our forefathers and their wives, Sara, Rivka, Rochel and Leah as our matriarchs. Avraham spread monotheism to the world and was the paradigm of Chesed. His son Yitzchok was the epitome of service to G-d and Yaacov was exemplary in being focused on the study of Torah. …

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A long-time dean of a high school related the following: In the late 1960’s a student entered the ninth grade and in due time it became apparent that the diligent and well-mannered student lacked the intellectual abilities to reach passing grades on his tests. When parent-teacher conference came around, the dean met with his parents …

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A Tribute!

In his honor of my father’s first Yahrtzait , I share the following tribute to this great man.   Our father, Rabbi Boruch Saks o.b.m., was born to his parents David and Ida Wolinsky Saks on September 4th 1936 (my birthday too) and was raised in the lower east side of New York. Boruch was …

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