Tag: Toldos


When we study the Torah and read about the lives of our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaacov, we see that their lives were not smooth sailing. They all met with challenges, but within each of them was the ability to stand up to the task or test. Rabbi Yaacov Kamenetzky o.b.m. points out something very …

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Nothing’s Changed!

Would you believe that this week’s Torah portion dedicates a significant amount of time discussing our forefather Yitzchok’s dealing with Avimelech the King of Philistines in the land of Gerar. Gerar is located in the southern coastal area of the land of Israel, a.k.a. Gaza. In 4000 years, nothing has changed. The Torah tells us …

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Great and Greater!

The Torah relates there was a famine in the land of Israel and our forefather Yitzchok wished to travel to Egypt as his father Avraham had done when famine struck. G-d appeared to Yitzchok and told him to remain in the land of the Philistines and not to advance to Egypt. Yitzchok could not leave …

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After twenty years of marriage, our matriarch Rivka finally became pregnant. Her joy dimmed when she noticed something peculiar; when she passed the study halls of the great sages Shem and Aiver, she felt her fetus move as if it wanted to exit, and then when she passed a place of idol worship she also …

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Outward Appearances!

The Torah relates that our patriarch Yitzchok, together with our matriarch Rivka, had twin boys, Yaacov and Aisav. Rashi tells us that Aisav was born full of hair like an adult. People were amazed and as a result they named him, “Asu – he is complete.” Rashi tells us that Yaacov was given his name …

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The Torah relates that our forefather Yitzchok was blind. How did this happen? Our Sages teach us that when Yitzchok was 37 years old he was bound by his father Avraham to an altar to heed the call of G-d to offer his son as a sacrifice. This lofty spiritual event opened the seven Heavens …

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More to the Story!

Our Patriarch Avraham earned the distinguished title of Forefather of the Jewish people by consistently displaying his devotion to G-d and mankind. G-d personally blessed Avraham and He conferred this blessing onto his son Yitzchok as well. The deserving recipient of the Patriarchal blessing received an unbounded and eternal relationship between himself and the Almighty …

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The Roman Emperor and Rebbe

(Torah Portion: Toldos) The Roman Emperor and Rebbe Our matriarch Rivka conceived after many years of praying and hoping for a child. Rivka’s excitement became dampened when she noticed that each time she passed a place where Torah was studied the baby would start kicking as if it wanted to get out, and when she …

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(Torah Portion Toldos) Thanksgiving! When our forefather Yitzchok wished to impart the patriarchal blessing on his son Aisav, his wife Rivka, aware that Aisav was unworthy, instructed her son Yaacov to present himself before Yitzchok disguised as Aisav. Yaacov voiced his concern to his mother “What if my father realizes that I am Yaacov? He …

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Let It Go

(Torah Portion Toldos) Let it Go The Torah relates that our matriarch Rivka was pregnant with twin boys, Yaacov and Aisav. She was informed through prophecy that Yaacov would be devout and pious, while Aisav would be wicked. Until the boys were fifteen years old their dissimilar personalities were not apparent. However, on the day …

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