At this time, when our brethren are at war and we are experiencing much uncertainty and upset over the upsurge of antisemitism in the US and around the world, the frequent thought flashing through our minds is, “What can we do?” As Jews, we turn to prayer, we contribute, we contact our relatives and friends …
Tag: Chayai Sarah
Nov 09
A Kind Girl!
Chayai Sara – A Kind Girl When the time came for our forefather Yitzchok to get married, his father Avraham entrusted his faithful servant Eliezer with the task of finding him a wife. Avraham detailed the criteria for a suitable wife for Yitzchok. Avraham’s first choice was that the girl comes from Avraham’s father’s family …
Sep 26
Say That Again! How Old was She?
(Torah Portion: Chayai Sarah) Say That Again! How Old was She? Our Sages tell us that our matriarch Rivka was three years old when she married Yitzchok. I have heard many times a cynical reaction to this statement, “Come on, rabbi, how is this possible?!” Let us first explain how the sages derived that Rivka …
Sep 26
Hot or Cold
(Torah Portion Chayai Sarah) Hot or Cold This week’s Haftorah relates that King David was old and his body could not get warm no matter how many layers of clothing he covered himself with. Why was King David subject to such an ailment? King David had many challenges in his lifetime. One of them was …
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