Tag: Chayai Sarah

The Clincher!

The Torah relates that our forefather Avraham instructed his faithful servant Eliezer to travel from the land of Israel to his birthplace, Aram Naharyim, to find from his family, a suitable wife for his son Yitzchok. Avraham sent Eliezer with ten camels laden with gifts. Our Sages tell us that Avraham’s camels stood out from …

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It Makes a Difference!

At this time, when our brethren are at war and we are experiencing much uncertainty and upset over the upsurge of antisemitism in the US and around the world, the frequent thought flashing through our minds is, “What can we do?” As Jews, we turn to prayer, we contribute, we contact our relatives and friends …

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We refer to Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaacov as our forefathers and their wives, Sara, Rivka, Rochel and Leah as our matriarchs. Avraham spread monotheism to the world and was the paradigm of Chesed. His son Yitzchok was the epitome of service to G-d and Yaacov was exemplary in being focused on the study of Torah. …

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Always with a Smile!

I begin my remarks with a thank you. The thank you goes the Almighty for giving me and my seven siblings the great fortune of being born into, and raised by, the most wonderful, loving and caring parents. My parents o.b.m. were true role models. My dear mother, Malka, passed away 36 years ago, and …

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A Giant!

This past week, the Jewish people lost one of its great leaders, a giant of a humble man, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein o.b.m. Reb Dovid was the son of the venerable Sage and Halachik authority Rabbi Moshe Feinstein o.b.m. and he assumed that role upon his father’s passing. Reb Dovid was the address and phone number …

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It’s all Good!

The Torah, before conveying the news of Sarah’s passing, celebrates her life: “These are the years of the life of Sarah, they were 127.” Then peculiarly, the Torah repeats itself, “These are the years of the life of Sarah.” What is behind this apparent repetition? Rabbi Yaacov Kamentzky o.b.m. explains that our Sages teach us …

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Gift of Speech!

This past Tuesday evening the Scranton Jewish Community Center hosted a community wide vigil in response to the horrific attack in Pittsburgh this past Shabbos. It was attended by over 500 people. Many non-Jews participated as a gesture of solidarity with us. I was given the opportunity to address the gathering and these are my …

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A Kind Girl!

Chayai Sara – A Kind Girl When the time came for our forefather Yitzchok to get married, his father Avraham entrusted his faithful servant Eliezer with the task of finding him a wife. Avraham detailed the criteria for a suitable wife for Yitzchok. Avraham’s first choice was that the girl comes from Avraham’s father’s family …

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Say That Again! How Old was She?

(Torah Portion: Chayai Sarah) Say That Again! How Old was She? Our Sages tell us that our matriarch Rivka was three years old when she married Yitzchok. I have heard many times a cynical reaction to this statement, “Come on, rabbi, how is this possible?!” Let us first explain how the sages derived that Rivka …

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Respect, Beloved and a Reflection

(Torah Portion Chayai Sarah) Respect, Beloved and a Reflection The Torah relates that when our forefather Avraham sought to purchase a burial plot for his wife Sarah, he called a town meeting with the Hittite inhabitants of the City of Chevron. The people were deeply respectful to Avraham when they addressed and spoke to him. …

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