Just the other week, Christies Auction House placed a Da Vinci painting on the auction block, and after twenty minutes of bidding, it went for a whopping Four Hundred and Fifty Million dollars! That’s almost a half Billion dollars! What I found more intriguing than finding out the identity of the anonymous purchaser, was that …
Category: Beraishis
Nov 16
The Torah in this week’s Parsha deals with the twin brothers, Yaacov and Aisav. Even in utero the different personalities of the twins were discernible. When their mother would pass a house of Torah study she felt Yaacov’s fetus kicking to get out and when she passed a place of idol worship she felt Aisav’s …
Nov 09
A Kind Girl!
Chayai Sara – A Kind Girl When the time came for our forefather Yitzchok to get married, his father Avraham entrusted his faithful servant Eliezer with the task of finding him a wife. Avraham detailed the criteria for a suitable wife for Yitzchok. Avraham’s first choice was that the girl comes from Avraham’s father’s family …
Nov 05
A Kind Girl!
When the time came for our forefather Yitzchok to get married, his father Avraham entrusted his faithful servant Eliezer with the task of finding him a wife. Avraham detailed the criteria for a suitable wife for Yitzchok. Avraham’s first choice was that the girl comes from Avraham’s father’s family who resided in the land of …
Oct 26
Weekly Torah Portion: Lech Lecha 6 Cheshvan 5778 – October 26, 2017 The Torah relates that after Avraham settled in the Land of Israel the region was gripped by a famine and he was forced to travel to Egypt which was not affected by the famine. As he approached Egypt, Avraham became concerned for …
Oct 19
Weekly Torah Portion: Noach 29 Tishrei – October 19, 2017 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan is Friday and Saturday The Torah relates that Noach worked on the construction of the massive ark for 120 years. Only eight people, Noach, his wife, and his three sons and their wives merited the boarding of the ark when the …
Oct 19
Start Again
Shemini Atzeres / Simchas Torah 5778 20 Tishrei 5778 – October 10, 2017 Hoshana Rabah, the final stage of Succos, is on Wednesday. On this day we have extended prayers, encircle the Bimah with our four species seven times, and then take five willow branches and hit them on the ground. On this day our …