Tag: Miketz


During the Second Temple period, when Israel was under the Ptolemaic rule, King Ptolemy IV demanded that our Written Law – the Torah – be translated into Greek. The Talmud relates that Ptolemy took 70 great Sages, separated them, and then ordered them to translate the Torah into Greek. Since quite a few of the …

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The Holiday of Chanukah is celebrated for eight days. The focal point of the Holiday is lighting the candles on the Menorah, as we recite the special blessings. The opportune time to light the Menorah is a bit past sunset and the basic law is that the flames should last for at least a half …

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Our Own Temple!

The Torah describes the intricate design of the beautiful, seven branched, golden Menorah used in the Temple. Moshe was instructed to form it from a solid piece of gold, and he was unable to do so. G-d said to him, “You tried and did what you were able to do. Now, take the block of …

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Way to Say!

One of the many laws stated in this week’s Parsha is the law to direct a fellow Jew on the correct path to appreciate and observe the Torah. Understandably, one needs to use his Seichel – intellect – to understand where the person is coming from in order to reprove him without embarrassing him and …

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During Chanukah we light the Menorah at a window of our home that faces the street, in order to publicize the miracle that occurred in our Temple some 2200 years ago where a small jug of pure oil burned for eight days. Generally speaking, we perform Mitzvos privately in our homes or together with others …

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Small Stuff!

A Chanukah thought: The miracle of Chanukah has two aspects to it. The first, that the few Macabbes were able to defeat the mighty Greek army and regain and rededicate the Temple in Jerusalem enabling the Jews to regain their religious freedom. The second, that when rededicating the Temple the Kohanim found a flask of …

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The Best Way!

The Holiday of Chanukah was established by our Sages to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Macabbees over the massive Greek army which enabled the Jews to regain their religious freedom and reclaim the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Once they entered the Temple, the Macabbees, who were Kohanim – Priests, wished to fulfill the Mitzvah …

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Although the Torah – G-d’s eternal Law book that consists of the five Books of Moshe – was completed 3290 years ago when our leader Moshe passed away a month before the Jews entered the land of Israel, the Talmud finds hints in the Torah to the names of Esther, Mordechai, and Haman of the …

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Noticing the Good!

(Torah Portion Miketz/Chanukah) Noticing the Good! Reuven, the first born of the tribes, once meddled into his father’s personal matters. Because of this infraction the first- born entitlement was stripped from Reuven and transferred to Yosef, the first born son of Yaccov’s wife Rachel. Reuven also thought that because of this wrongdoing he had lost …

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A Happy and Joyous Chanukah

(Torah Portion Miketz) A Happy and Joyous Chanukah We are all well aware of the story of the Chanukah miracle. A few Macabees defeated the massive Greek forces, allowing the Jews to recapture the Temple in Jerusalem which the Greeks had ransacked during their three year occupation. The Macabees wished to immediately restart the Temple …

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