Category: Bamidbar

The Greatest

(Torah Portion Bamidbar/Shavuos) The Greatest! “I’m the greatest of all time!” I can vividly recall those boastful words of the late boxer Muhammad Ali extolling his own greatness pompously and haughtily.Yes, we all wish and hope for greatness, but the evaluation of greatness should be realized by an outside objective assessment not by one’s self. …

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Peace At Home

(Torah Portion Naso) Peace at Home! The Torah speaks about the laws of the Sotah, a situation where a husband suspects his wife of being unfaithful after giving his wife a formal warning not to go to a secluded place with the suspected man. If witnesses testify that they were seen alone in a secluded …

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Bring Up the Rear

(Torah Portion Beha’aloscha) Bring Up the Rear! The Torah relates that after just about a year of being encamped at Mount Sinai, the Jews were instructed to begin traveling towards the Land of Israel. At this time the Jews were encamped in a specific formation. The Tabernacle was in the center of the encampment surrounded …

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Weep No More

(Torah Portion Shlach) Weep No More! Years ago, I came home to find my wife Malki crying on the couch. Startled and bracing myself for sad news I came over and she pointed to a book she was reading. Needless to say it was a real tear jerker. I recall telling her that at such …

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(Torah Portion Korach) Precision! This week’s portion is similar to the previous portions which describe some of the shortcomings of the Jewish people. These incidents which are critical of the Jews’ wayward behavior are included in the Torah reflecting on the honesty and transparency of the Torah. In fact in the blessing we recite after …

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Who are They

(Torah Portion Chukas) Who are They! As the Jews began the final stretch of their journey to Israel, they met resistance from the nations located between them and the land. The hateful nations did not let the Jews cross through their land although the Jews guaranteed that they would travel through peacefully and purchase goods …

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Lift Up

(Torah Portion Balak) Lift Up! After the Jews defeated the nations of Sichon and Og and were on the final stretch of their journey to the Land of Israel, Balak, the king of Moav, became anxious about the security of his country. He therefore hired Billam, a non-Jewish prophet, to utilize his powers to curse …

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Love for the Land

(Torah Portion Pinchos) Love for the Land! After the Jews defeated the nations of Sichon and Og and were on the final stretch of their journey to the Land of Israel, Balak, the king of Moav, became anxious about the security of his country. He therefore hired Billam, a non-Jewish prophet, to utilize his powers …

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(Torah Portion Matos/Massai) Ask! The Torah takes vows and oaths very seriously, thus a person is bound by his words and commitments. The Torah allows one to be released from his vow if he verbally regrets his vow in the presence of three men who can revoke the vow. This is the process that transpires …

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