(Torah Portion Shemos) Just Raising a Hand! The Torah relates that Moshe, who would eventually lead the Jewish people, was raised in the palace of Pharoh. When Moshe was three months old and in danger of being killed by the Egyptians his mother placed him in a basket in the Nile and he was found …
Category: Shemos
Sep 26
(Torah Portion Vaeirah) Gratitude! We know that the Jews were bitterly enslaved by the Pharoh. But what were they forced to do? The Torah tells us that the Jews built the areas of Pisom and Ramses, which contained large warehouses used to store the immense wealth that Egypt had accumulated, (primarily through Yosef’s efforts.) Our …
Sep 26
Stubborn to a Fault!
(Torah Portion Bo) Stubborn to a Fault! The description of all the ten plagues G-d brought upon the Egyptians is contained in last week’s and this week’s portions of the Torah. The Medrash tells us that the plagues took the course of a full year. Rabainu Bachaya explains that the year began when G-d dispatched …
Sep 26
One Billion Five
(Torah Portion Beshalach) One Billion Five! There was much hype and excitement leading up to last week’s 1.5 billion dollar Powerball lottery jackpot. Human nature is to dream how we would spend the winnings, and think that our personalities wouldn’t change with an instantaneous windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars. There is a poignant …
Sep 26
First Refusals
(Torah Portion Yisro) First Refusals! The Medrash relates that before G-d offered the Torah to the Jewish nation, He contacted prophets from every nation of the world and asked them if they were willing to accept the Torah so that in the future, the nations could never have a claim, “If we were asked, perhaps …
Sep 26
A Spark Within
(Torah Portion Mishpatim) A Spark Within! The Torah speaks about two types of thieves, the Ganov and the Gazlan. The ganov is the common thief who doesn’t want his identity exposed and breaks in secretly trying to remain under the radar and surveillance. The gazlan robs by force even in broad daylight and he doesn’t …
Sep 26
Taking or Giving
(Torah Portion Terumah) Taking or Giving! The Torah portion begins with a call from G-d to Moshe to instruct the Jewish people to contribute thirteen categories of items towards the construction of a Mishkan – Temple. It is interesting that rather than asking them to give contributions, the Torah says, “they should take for Me …
Sep 26
Leave it On!
(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) Leave it On! In the Temple that the Jews constructed in the desert there were two Altars, a large Altar constructed of wood plated with copper, and a smaller Altar of wood plated with gold. The large Altar was situated at the entrance to the Temple and animal, bird and flour offerings …
Sep 26
Twenty-One Years!
(Torah Portion Ki Sisa ) Twenty-One Years! The Torah commanded Moshe to produce a special holy and consecrated oil to anoint and sanctify the Temple and its vessels. This oil was formulated with specific spices and oils. The Torah forbids anyone from using Moshe’s potion for anything other than its specified uses. The Torah also …
Sep 26
Keep Cool
(Torah Portion Vayakail) Keep Cool! The Shabbos is a Jew’s day of rest. The Torah does not define ‘rest’ explicitly; rather it is derived from the creative activities necessary to construct the Tabernacle in the desert. Since the Torah forbade the construction of the Temple and its vessels to be performed on the Shabbos, it …
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