(Torah Portion Bamidbar/Shavuos) Higher! The upcoming Holiday of Shavuos commemorates the one-time awesome event where G-d communicated and proclaimed the Ten Commandments to the entire Jewish Nation at Mount Sinai. To become worthy of this exalted level of Revelation, the nation had to gradually prepare and spiritually elevate themselves for the fifty days that passed …
Category: Bamidbar
Sep 27
On a Slant!
(Torah Portion Naso) On a Slant! In this week’s Parsha the Kohanim are commanded to bless the congregation with the Priestly blessings. In Israel the Priestly blessings are given each day, however our custom in the Diaspora is that it is only said during the Mussaf service on the five major holidays of the year. …
Sep 27
No Change
(Torah Portion Behaaloscha) No Change! We extend our sincere wishes of condolences to our Vice President, Joe Biden, on the loss of his dear and beloved son Beau. I read a moving article about a speech Mr. Biden gave three years ago to grieving families. In this speech he described quite poignantly how, after losing …
Sep 27
Choices and Options!
(Torah Portion Shlach) Choices and Options! The Torah in this week’s portion relates that Moshe sent twelve spies to scout out the Land of Israel. Even though G-d wasn’t thrilled with the mission because He had promised that the nation would have His total backing in conquering the land, and their spying was totally unnecessary, …
Sep 27
Sea Salt
(Torah Portion Korach) Sea Salt! The Torah relates that on the second day of creation G-d divided the world’s waters suspending half in the heavens and leaving the rest on earth. The angels representing the lower waters complained to the Almighty, “Why should we remain on earth and lose an intimate connection with G-d while …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Chukas) Red! The most perplexing law in the Torah is the process of the Parah Adumah – Red Heifer. The Red Heifer had to be completely red, and was slaughtered and burnt in a unique and specific way. Its ashes were mixed with fresh spring water and sprinkled on a Jew who became …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Balak) Profits! In this week’s Parsha we are introduced to a non-Jewish prophet named Bilaam. Bilaam was hired by Balak the King of Moav to use his powers to curse the Jewish nation. A non-Jewish Prophet? The Medrash explains that G-d rested His Holy Presence on a non-Jew so that the nations of …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Pinchos) Consistency! The Torah details the communal sacrificial offerings that the Kohanim (priests) offered in the Temple. The Tamid – the twice-daily offerings – is listed first. The morning Tamid and evening Tamid were identical. A male year-old sheep was slaughtered and offered as a completely burnt offering along with a grain and …
Sep 27
Powerful Words
(Torah Portion Matos/Massai) Powerful Words! The Torah in this week’s portion introduces us to the laws of vows. The Torah empowers us to utilize our gift of speech to place a demand on ourselves through a vow that is as demanding as a G-d-given law stated in the Torah! The Talmud explains that a vow …
Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Scranton, PA US
Parshas Vaera
Candle Lighting Time: 4:51 PM
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