Category: 5780

We Are One!

The Pharoh of Egypt decreed that all male newborn babies be thrown in the Nile to drown. The Torah then relates that Amram and Yocheved, a couple from the Tribe of Levi, had a son, who would eventually become known as Moshe. They recognized immediately that their baby was special because the whole house was …

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Bless You!

The Torah relates that before our forefather Yaacov died, he called in his sons to confer a blessing on every one of them. Yaacov also took this opportunity to reprove the children who had acted in ways he did not approve. Our Sages tell us that Yaacov, as well as our leaders Moshe and King …

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Huge Celebration!

Yesterday, on the first of January, in the North American Continent alone, hundreds of thousands of Jews in more than 100 cities convened to take part in a celebration of the Siyum Hashas which occurs once every seven and a half years. This celebration marks the completion of a cycle of learning the entire Babylonian …

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The Best Way!

The Holiday of Chanukah was established by our Sages to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Macabbees over the massive Greek army which enabled the Jews to regain their religious freedom and reclaim the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Once they entered the Temple, the Macabbees, who were Kohanim – Priests, wished to fulfill the Mitzvah …

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The Torah portion relates the story of Yosef dreaming that he would rule over his brothers. Feeling that his dreams were prophetic, he shared them with his brothers. His brothers did not perceive them as prophetic and felt that the content of the dreams reflected Yosef’s interest in ruling over them. They also were upset …

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The Torah relates that Yaacov wanted to marry Rochel, the daughter of Lavan, but being aware of Lavan’s sly and devious nature, he suspected that Lavan would likely switch Rochel with her older sister Leah at the wedding ceremony, so he drew up a contract with Lavan specifying his desire to marry his younger daughter …

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The House!

The Talmud relates that Rebbe Elazar pointed to the verse in the Book of Isaiah, “Let’s ascend the mountain of G-d to the house of the G-d of Yaacov,” and asked, “Why does Isaiah call the Temple in Jerusalem the house of the G-d of Yaacov and not the G-d of our other forefathers, Avraham …

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The Torah relates that our forefather Yitzchok was blind. How did this happen? Our Sages teach us that when Yitzchok was 37 years old he was bound by his father Avraham to an altar to heed the call of G-d to offer his son as a sacrifice. This lofty spiritual event opened the seven Heavens …

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It’s all Good!

The Torah, before conveying the news of Sarah’s passing, celebrates her life: “These are the years of the life of Sarah, they were 127.” Then peculiarly, the Torah repeats itself, “These are the years of the life of Sarah.” What is behind this apparent repetition? Rabbi Yaacov Kamentzky o.b.m. explains that our Sages teach us …

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Range of View!

After his circumcision our forefather Avraham was sore, yet something else was bothering him. His overwhelming concern was that he noticed a lull in the normal flow of guests that came through his doors. Why weren’t there any guests? The Torah tells us that Avraham went out of his tent and saw that it was …

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