Category: Devorim

Bride to the Rescue!

This year Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbos and Sunday. The Shofar is not sounded on the Shabbos because the sages were concerned that in one’s zeal to fulfill the mitzvah he might come to desecrate the Shabbos. The Talmud explains that this rule is hinted at in the Torah where Rosh Hashana is called, “a …

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The True You!

The great commentator, Baal Haturim, culls a fascinating list of 70 Names that allude to G-d. Some of these Names of G-d have special holiness and we may not say them in vain. Ad-o-noy and E-lo-him are two of these special Names and these are mentioned most often in our blessings and prayers. These two …

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Heaven Within Reach!

There are seventy-four Mitzvos contained in this week’s Parsha. One mitzvah is that the Torah instructs one who lent his fellow an interest free loan, and the lender wishes to take some type of collateral to ensure that the loan will be repaid; the Torah gives specific rules as to how it should be done. …

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Extra Protection!

The Torah discusses how Jews should engage in war once they arrive in the land of Israel, and it details their marching orders. When the soldiers gathered, a Kohain appointed over military matters, addresses the troops and gives them the following charge. “Hear O Israel, today you are coming near to the battle against your …

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The opportunity to share some good news amidst the current crisis is most welcome. My father, who was hospitalized for over three months while on a respirator battling Covid, has thank G-d made a miraculous recovery and is currently in a rehab with the prospect of returning home in the near future. Thank G-d! There …

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Wear It!

The word “Mitzvos” occurs many times in this week’s Parsha. When we perform Mitzvos as we are supposed to, G-d guarantees us blessing. G-d is not only interested in the big Mitzvos; the ones that we may think are insignificant are what matter, as they show that we are in a relationship with the Almighty. …

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Out of Order!

The Book of Eicha – Lamentations – is chanted in a sorrowful tune on Tisha B’Av. This Megilla was scribed by the Prophet Jeremiah before the destruction of the first Temple as a warning to the people. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears and his prophetic words became a reality when the Babylonians destroyed the …

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A Tranquil World!

This Shabbos we begin reading the fifth book of the Torah – Devorim / Deuteronomy. Our Sages call this Book, Mishne Torah – the repetition of Torah – for our leader Moshe, 37 days before his death, taught the Jewish people many new laws and also repeated laws that were previously written. G-d instructed Moshe …

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Game Plan!

We are currently in the special ten day period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The verse in Isaiah says, “Seek out G-d when He is in close proximity.” Our Sages teach us that this refers to the closeness that G-d has with us during these ten days of repentance. The verse is actually surprising …

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