(Torah Portion Vayikra) Mistakes! One good thing about changing the clock – just like jetlag – you can blame a mistake or an oversight for a few days on it. The other morning it happened. It was a bit darker in the morning when I was getting dressed for Minyan – services. No one noticed …
Category: Vayikra
Sep 27
The Next Day
(Torah Portion Tzav) The Next Day! Yesterday was Purim and today is called Shushan Purim. Here’s the reason why. The Megilla tells us that King Achashvairosh’s palace was in Shushan Habirah – Shushan the capital. In truth, Shushan was not always host to the king’s palace; the kings, such as Nevuchadetzar, who preceding Achashvairosh, resided …
Sep 27
Role Models
(Torah Portion Shemini) Role Models! The Torah relates a tragic incident that occurred during the inauguration service of the Temple. Nadav and Avihu, two of Aaron’s sons, had their souls snuffed out by a heavenly fire for an infraction they committed in performing their service. The Torah records their father Aaron accepted the Divine judgment …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Tazria) Renewal! Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki – universally known as Rashi – is the foremost commentator on both our written Torah and our Oral Law – the Talmud. In his commentary on the first verse of the Torah he asks, why did G-d begin the Torah – which is essentially a Book of Law …
Sep 27
The Children
(Torah Portion Metzorah) The Children! The Torah is very demanding on us to be extra vigilant to refrain from speaking ill of others. Two Portions of the Torah are dedicated to describing Tzoraas maladies that come upon a person, his clothing, or his house as a result of his loose chatter regarding the negative qualities …
Sep 27
Freedom to Serve
(Dvar Torah on Pesach 5776) Freedom to Serve! Since I have been asked a few times recently, “What is the purpose of the discussion of the exodus at the Seder?” I feel it important to focus on. Our Exodus from Egypt was a monumental event. Never in history has there been a nation enslaved in …
Sep 27
time to sing
(Dvar Torah on Last Days of Pesach 5776) Time to Sing! When reading the Hagadah we come upon a fascinating, yet often overlooked, paragraph, which discusses the magnitude of the miracles G-d performed at the splitting of the Red Sea. One opinion states that there were 250 plagues wrought against the pursuing Egyptians at the …
Sep 27
counting up
(Torah Portion Acharai Mos) Counting Up! We are currently in the Omer period. The Omer derives its name from a special sacrificial offering of barley flour that was offered in the Temple on the second day of Pesach. This offering of barley flour is known as the Omer offering because it was the volume of …
Sep 27
Listen to Who!
(Torah Portion Kedoshim) Listen to Who! There is a verse in our portion that states: “Each person must revere their mother and father, and My Shabbos you should observe, I am Hashem your G-d.” The glaring question is what is the connection between having reverence for parents and the Mitzvah of observing the Shabbos? Rashi …
Sep 27
Second Chances!
(Torah Portion Emor) Second Chances! In the beginning of the Torah when G-d’s name is first mentioned He is referred to as Elokim, which connotes strict Judgment. Later on, the Torah refers to Him as Hashem, which connotes mercy, along with the Name Elokim which connotes judgment. Our Sages teach us that at first G-d …
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