(Torah Portion Vayikra) Get to the Point!! Last week I visited a patient in a local hospital and during the conversation I asked where he was originally from. “Bensonhurst,” was his reply. I told him, ‘You know, I was raised in neighboring Boro Park.” He asked me if the Shul he attended when he was …
Category: Vayikra
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Tzav) Boomerang! The world is closely watching the tense situation in the Ukraine. Now is the time to take a moment and consider the underlining reasons behind national conflicts. They certainly are power struggles between one country and its people against another. Espionage and gathering security secrets and information is vital in order …
Sep 27
The Throne
(Torah Portion Shemini) The Throne! The Torah gives us two indicators to determine if a species of animal is Kosher. A Kosher animal must have true cloven hooves, and ruminate its food. Kosher fish must have fins and scales. The Torah does not list the characteristics of Kosher fowl. Rather, it lists twenty-four birds that …
Sep 27
House, Clothing and Skin
(Torah Portion Tazria) House, Clothing and Skin The Torah in this week’s portion speaks about Tzoraas – various skin blemishes that develop on parts of one’s body. A Kohain – priest – is the one who determines if it is indeed Tzoraas. If it is Tzoraas, the person is banished from society. He must live …
Sep 27
Check It Out
(Torah Portion Metzora) Check It Out! Mold, mildew, and water stains are a major annoyance for any homeowner; the hassle with dealing with the insurance adjuster, contractor, the mess and expense. The Torah speaks about different kinds of stains that would appear on the interiors of people’s homes specifically in the Land of Israel; it …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Archai Mos) Attitude! The Torah commands that when a Jew ritually slaughters any species of birds such as a chicken or turkey, or a non-domesticated Kosher animal, such as a deer, he must cover the blood with sand, sawdust or the like. A blessing is recited before covering the blood. The Talmud teaches …
Sep 27
Got to Wait
(Torah Portion Kedoshim) Got to Wait! You finally plant a fruit tree and eagerly wait to see and sample its fruits. One day your child comes running in to the house and excitedly shouts, “I see fruits on the tree!” You run outside, and there it is, a fruit has emerged! Just as you are …
Sep 27
Wherever You Are
(Torah Portion Emor) Wherever You Are! Let’s talk about the weekly Shabbat. The Torah in this week’s portion introduces the observance of the Holy day of Shabbat before describing the rules and rituals of festivals and holidays that occur during the year. Commentators ask, what is the purpose of listing the Shabbat together with the …
Sep 27
What Are We
(Torah Portion Behar) What Are We At the beginning of this week’s portion G-d spells out the laws of Shemitta – the seventh year which is the Sabbatical year. All fields in the Land of Israel must remain fallow, with all productive work in the fields and all commerce with the Sabbatical produce forbidden for …
Sep 27
(Torah Portion Bechukosai) Terrific! In this week’s Parsha, the Torah commands that one must tithe the kosher animals that were born during the year. The animals were gathered in a corral with a small doorway which allowed only one animal to go through at a time. As the animals made their way through the opening, …