Category: Vayikra

Completely Covered!

The majority of our Parsha speaks of a spiritually impure blotch called Tzoraas. This blotch is similar to a physical malady and the only ones authorized to determine the nature of these blemishes are the Kohanim ―priests. At times, even after a Kohain examined the blemish it remained unclear if it was the spiritual malady, …

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This Is!

In our portion the Torah provides us with identifiable Kashruth signs for animals we are permitted to eat. Animals must have both true cloven hooves and ruminate their food. Fish must have both fins and scales. The Torah names each of the 28 species of fowl that are not kosher. When our leader Moshe was …

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It Spreads!

Our entire Parsha speaks of various sacrificial offerings that were performed in the Temple. Although we have not merited the rebuilding of our Temple to personally experience and witness the awe-inspiring service of the Temple, there are many lessons that are derived from the procedures and happenings of the Temple that inject insight and inspiration …

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This Shabbos is called Shabbos Zachor. It gets its title from the Mitzvah that we fulfill by reading the portion of the Torah that tells us to Zachor – remember – the nation of Amalek, who hated G-d and the Jewish nation, and attacked us shortly after we were miraculously freed from Egypt. Every year …

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