28 Elul 5777 – September 19, 2017 Rosh Hashana 5778 Torah Portion: Ha’azinu – Shabbos Shuva I would venture to say that a standard Rosh Hashana checklist would look like this: Synagogue tickets purchased. Clothing cleaned. Challos with raisins, honey, sweet apple. Delicious meals prepared – this year for three days! We are expected …
Category: Shemos
Sep 15
Rising Above
(Torah Portion Shemos) Rising Above! One who studies Torah will inevitably come across ideas that will bring him to appreciate and understand nuances that will clarify and enrich his life both in thought and in practice. Something struck me for the first time as I began the book of Exodus, which deals with the enslavement …
Sep 15
Global Warmth
(Torah Portion Va’eirah) Global Warmth! The Torah relates that the first three plagues, blood, frogs and lice were brought about by Aaron striking with his staff. The question raised is why weren’t these plagues brought about through Moshe, as he was the one who generated the rest of the plagues? We know that Moshe was …
Sep 15
A Dove
(Torah Portion Bo) A Dove! The eighth plague G-d brought upon the Egyptians, was a swarm of locusts so dense and thick that it darkened the Egyptian sky. The locusts then descended and for seven days covered the entire land of Egypt eating and consuming all the vegetation of Egypt. The Torah when describing that …
Sep 15
Sea Saw
(Torah Portion Beshalach) Sea Saw! The Torah in this week’s Parsha describes the awesome phenomenon where the Red Sea split, clearing a dry and beautiful path for the Jewish nation to cross. At the same time the Egyptians who were pursuing them drowned in the raging waters. In the first Psalms in the Hallel prayer …