(Torah Portion Vayikra) Blessings! The title of this week’s portion is Vayikra. Vayikra means, “and He called” – referring to G-d calling Moshe to speak with him. Our Sages inform us that the word Vayikra is a term infused with love. G-d spoke to His faithful servant Moshe with warmth and admiration. Our leader Moshe …
Bride and Groom at the Seder
(Torah Portion: Tvaz) Passover 5773: Bride and Groom at the Seder As the festive Holiday of Pesach is quickly approaching, it is imperative that we do our preparations around the house, and of course turn over the kitchen and pantry to a Pesach and Chametz free mode. There is another area that requires preparation and …
Take it With You
(Passover 5773) Take It With You! One year, after experiencing the uplifting Seders and the total Passover experience, which entailed tremendous amounts of work, a particularly busy Baalabustah with a large family said, “The experience that I went through is a notch in my spiritual belt which will stay with me as time moves on, …
(Torah Portion Shemini) Appreciation! The Torah identifies kosher animals and fish based on distinct physical characteristics. However, when it comes to fowl, the Torah lists the non-Kosher fowl by name, and the remaining species of fowl are kosher. The ultimate reason G-d took us out of Egypt was for us to accept and follow His …
Remedying Envy
(Torah Portion Tazria/Metzorah) Remedying Envy! As the Second World War was raging and the inevitable assault and capture was approaching, many Jews hid their valuables in the hope that if they survived, they would be able to retrieve their money, wealth and family heirlooms. As we know, most of them did not have the fortune …
Clock on the Wall
(Torah Portion Acharai Mos/Kedoshim) Clock on the Wall Love within a relationship can at times be complex. Yet the Torah instructs us, “Love your neighbor like yourself,” placing an extraordinary demand on us. How can we possibly reach such a lofty ideal? The Talmud records a conversation between a potential convert to Judaism and Hillel …
(Torah Portion Emor) Challah! The number ten has been universally accepted as a number of significance since time immemorial. Rabbi Yaacov Kaminetzky o.b.m. points to its source: The Mishna in Ethics of our Fathers relates that during the seven days of creation G-d uttered ten statements of creation. They are recorded in the Torah, and …
Letter as a Guarantee
(Torah Portion Behar/Bechukosai) Letter as a Guarantee In the second Parsha we read this week, the Torah describes the wonderful blessings we will receive when we observe G-d’s Commandments. The Torah continues, telling us that if we ignore the commandments, we are warned of great suffering and insecurities that will plague the nation. During G-d’s …