Tag: Vayaitzai

Wedding Guests

(Torah Portion Vayaitzai ) Wedding Guests! During the Passover Seder, while reciting the Hagaddah, we mention verses that refer to the historical background of our patriarchs. In reference to our forefather Yaacov, we state, “An Aramite wished to obliterate our father.” Interestingly, the Aramite is not mentioned by name; and our Sages explain that it …

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(Torah Portion Vayaitzai) Impressions! The Parsha discusses the journey our forefather Yaacov took to Charan, the homeland of his mother Rivkah, to look for a wife. Yaacov arrived and after meeting his cousin Rachel they decided to get married. When Lavan, Rachel’s father, insisted that Yaacov work for him before he got married, Yaacov offered …

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Seeing Beyond

(Torah Portion Vayaitzai) Seeing Beyond! Our forefather Yaacov travelled from Israel to Charan, where his uncle Lavan lived, to find a wife. The Torah relates that before going to sleep on his way, Yaacov took stones and set them around himself for protection. Yaacov then slept and dreamt a prophetic vision. When Yaacov awoke he …

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