Tag: Lech Lecha


(Torah Portion Lech Lecha) Believers! The union between our forefather Avraham and our matriarch Sarah was one that naturally could not bear children. That changed when G-d informed Avraham that he would be blessed with progeny. As soon as Avraham heard this wonderful and miraculous promise from G-d he believed it. The Torah admires Avraham …

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(Torah Portion Lech Lecha ) Brave!  Our forefather Avraham earned the title of “The forbearer of the Jewish people” because of his complete belief in the Almighty and his tireless efforts of spreading monotheism and kindness throughout civilization. Avraham wasn’t born into a family of believers in G-d. On the contrary; they were so committed …

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Five Dollar Tip

(Torah Portion Lech Lecha) Five Dollar Tip! Often after the holidays, Rabbi Shlomo Halbershtam o.b.m., the beloved Bobover Rebbe, needed to rest from his exhaustive activities and would travel to Palm Springs, California where one of his followers had a beautiful home in a gated community. During the week he was driven by his host …

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