Women First
(Torah Portion Shemos) Women First The first verses in the Book of Exodus list the names of the children of Yaacov who had settled in Egypt. The verse states, “With Yaacov, each man and his household came.” The Hebrew word used here for household, is Baiso. Generally speaking, the Hebrew word used to describe one’s …
Heavenly Sounds
(Torah Portion Va’airah) Heavenly Sounds Our leader Moshe came to the Pharoh with specific instructions from G-d to free the Jewish people. Pharoh responded, “Who is G-d that I should listen to him.” Pharoh’s denied the existence of G-d until the seventh plague, which was fire mixed with hail. Pharoh finally caved in, calling Moshe …
A Black Crown
(Torah Portion Bo) A Black Crown Even before the Jews were redeemed from Egypt, they were introduced to the Mitzvah of Tefilin. The Tefilin contain four portions of the Torah, written on parchment. Two of the Torah portions deal with our Exodus from Egypt through G-d’s Outreached Arm. These portions are placed in two black …
Early Departure
(Torah Portion Beshalach) Early Departure Although the quickest and easiest route from Egypt to the Land of Israel is along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and modern day GPS would have directed the Jews this way, nevertheless, G-d directed the Jews differently; He told them to travel toward the wilderness in the direction of …
Mid Flight Exchange
(Torah Portion Yisro) Mid Flight Exchange It is quite common that we strike up a conversation with our seatmate on a plane, and often worthwhile business connections are thus forged. At times, the person sitting next to you is a fellow Jew and inevitably the conversation turns to affiliations, beliefs, Israel and family. A friend …
Returning the Call
(Torah Portion Mishpatim) Returning the Call When the Jews reached and encamped at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, they prepared six days for G-d’s Revelation. The Torah records what they did and accomplished on each day. First, Moshe was summoned to appear on top of the mountain where G-d instructed him to ask the …
Warm Up!
(Torah Portion Terumah) Warm Up! Our Kaballah teaches us that fire is one of the main ingredients G-d used to create the Heavens, earth and mankind. We all are aware that fire has its constructive and positive purposes and also its destructive and harmful consequences as well. Fire also represents spiritual force; for the basic …
An Unusual Relationship
(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) An Unusual Relationship Since I was young, one of the most fascinating tidbits of information for me regarding the Purim story is Mordechai’s unusual relationship and connection with the wicked Haman. The Medrash tells us, that years before the miracle of Purim unfolded, both Mordechai and Haman were appointed by the King …
Radiant Faces!/18 Cycle Milestone
(Torah Portion Ki Sisa) Radiant Faces!/18 Cycle Milestone Referring to the holy day of Shabbos, the Torah writes, “Between Me and the children of Israel it is a sign forever.” How deep does this bond go? A good barometer of this deep connection is measured during times of great challenge. I recall reading an eyewitness …
Huge Bank Deposit!
(Torah Portion Vayakail/Pekudai) Huge Bank Deposit! In last week’s Shabbat Message we spoke about the special radiance and aura that emanates from one’s countenance at the beginning of Shabbos and continues throughout the holy day. Continuing with this theme, the Medrash focuses on a connection between the concluding subject of last week’s portion and the …