(Torah Portion Shemos) Leadership! Our leader Moshe was raised in a most unusual circumstance. Pharoh’s daughter Basya who had clandestinely dissented from her father’s idolatrous and evil ways, brought up Moshe from infancy until adulthood within the palace of the Pharoh. Moshe’s own mother, Yocheved, was hired by Basya to nurse him, and she used …
(Torah Portion Va’eirah) Stubborn Before our forefather Yaacov passed away, he made his son Yosef promise that he would bury him in the land of Israel. One reason Yaacov gave why he did not want to be buried in Egypt was that he foresaw through prophetic vision that Egypt would experience a plague of lice …
Body and Soul
(Torah Portion Bo) Body and Soul Because the Jewish first-born males were spared during the final plague against the Egyptians, G-d commanded that the first issue of a woman’s womb if it is a male is to be sanctified to G-d. The father of this first born male must redeem his son from a Kohain …
A Location Named Bitter
(Torah Portion Beshalach) A Location Named Bitter G-d miraculously split the Red sea on behalf of the Jewish nation and drowned the Egyptian army that pursued them. The Torah then relates that the Jews continued their journey in the desert and after traveling three days could not find water. Then, “They arrived at Marah, but …
A Bumper Sticker
(Torah Portion Yisro) A Bumper Sticker Last week, as I was pulling out of a parking space, a bumper sticker on the car in front of me caught my eye. The insight was profound, “G-d does not believe in atheists!” Pretty compelling! That same day, I shared this powerful one liner with one of my …
(Torah Portion Mishpatim) Responsibility The Torah portion we read this week is called Mishpatim, which means laws, for the portion outlines many judicial laws. In the wake of the Costa Concordia cruise ship affair, where the captain, who faces possible charges of manslaughter, abandoned ship after the vessel struck rocks and rolled onto its side, …
Heavenly Embassy
(Torah Portion Terumah) Heavenly Embassy This week’s entire Torah portion, deals with G-d’s instructions to the Jews concerning how to construct His sanctuary on earth. It details the materials required for the vessels, edifice, coverings, and curtains, and describes their exact dimensions and functions. Since we do not have a Temple of G-d and are …
The True Champions
(Torah Portion Tetzaveh) The True Champions! Today is the 7th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, the Yahrtzait – anniversary of the passing of our leader Moshe. Haman, the wicked nemesis of the Jews, drew lots in order to determine an opportune day to exterminate the Jews. The month of Adar was picked, and …
Coded Names!
(Torah Portion Ki Sisah) Coded Names! With this week’s portion of Ki Sisa, we reached the milestone of having published the weekly Shabbat messages for seventeen years! Currently, there are over 4000 recipients! Let me share a fascinating insight derived from the Megilla of Esther that can bring an appreciation of this Rabbinically instituted …
Spiritual Dividends
(Torah Portion Vayakail/Pekudai) Spiritual Dividends Our leader Moshe was supposed to be in Heaven for 40 days studying the entire Torah from G-d. A segment of the people erroneously calculated that the 40 days had passed and believed Moshe would not return. They panicked and started to rile up a crowd around Moshe’s brother Aaron, …