Fill Up!

The Parsha begins with G-d commanding us, Kedoshim Tihiyu – Be Holy! The question is to what degree does G-d expect us to be holy? The Medrash relates, you may think that G-d wants us to be as holy as Himself, therefore the verse concludes, I am G-d. My Holiness is beyond all.

So what is the prescription for attaining holiness? Did G-d leave the parameters of holiness to our feelings, views and opinions?

The great commentator Rashi explains that G-d is telling us to be holy and refrain from licentious behavior and from sin as is detailed in the Torah.

Upon further examination in this week’s portion, the Torah speaks of the abomination of practicing Molech, a form of idolatry where a father would send his son between two pillars of intense fire as worship for the idol. Incidentally, banging of drums and such, was part of the Molech ceremony to drown out the shrieks and screams of the poor child.

There is nothing more deplorable and sickening than this. Yet, the Torah still warns us not to follow the ways of those who worship the Molech. The Torah is telling us that if one follows his own devices to attain holiness, even Molech, as bizarre as it may sound, may become an option.

The Chizkuni points out, that in the verse warning us not to follow the way of the Molech and its punishment, the Torah states, “You did it in order to defile My Sanctuary and defile My Name.”

Asks the Chizkuni, I can understand how G-d’s Name is defiled by participating in Molech, but how is he defiling G-d’s Sanctuary? After all, Molech wasn’t done in G-d’s Sanctuary.

Explains the Chizkuni, although the word Mikdashi – “My Sanctuary” usually refers to the physical Sanctuary of G-d, here, it refers to the Sanctity of Mitzvos – commands that G-d has endowed each Jew to perform. Thus, when one performs the Molech he is essentially defiling G-d’s commands and our purpose in serving G-d.

The notion that Kedoshim refers to keeping the Mitzvos, is expressed in the words we recite each day in the third portion of the Shema. “So that you remember and perform My commandments and be holy to your G-d.”

Similarly, when we recite a blessing upon performing a Mitzvah we say, Asher Kidishanu B’Mitzvosav – who sanctified us with His Mitzvos.

When one performs or observes a Mitzvah he infuses and fills himself with holiness and becomes uplifted and elevated.

The Talmud tells us, when a person sanctifies himself in this world even just a little bit, its effect in the Heavens is very great.

This holiness that one creates is precious to G-d because the world, unlike the Heavens, is void of holiness. G-d chose and entrusted us to be the conduit to fill up the world with sanctity through our Mitzvos and His service. This has a great impact Above.

We are currently within the Sefirah – Counting of the Omer – period, which extends for seven weeks. After one counts the Omer, some have a custom to recite a prayer that include the 7 Kabalistic Sefirot. There is a mystique out there about Kabbala and Sefirot and an interest in searching for its esoteric meaning. Traditionally, Kaballa is studied by sages later on in life after they have obtained and toiled over large amounts of the revealed part of our Torah, the written and Oral law and its commentary.

One should realize that the most practical and effective way one can connect with G-d and reach awesome levels of Kedusha – sanctity – and connectivity to G-d is by performing Mitzvos, observing the laws, and the study of Torah.

Interestingly, a simple grocery shopping trip can turn into a spiritual experience when one checks to make sure that the products they are looking for have Kosher certification. By doing so, one has ‘rung up’ the Mitzvah associated with keeping Kosher. The Torah specifies that we were chosen to keep the mitzvah of kosher, G-d sanctified us and created a diet of holy food for our bodies and souls.

When one recites the appropriate blessings on the various foods and the after blessings, the holiness and sanctity that one has absorbed becomes great and everlasting, more so than all the calories he consumed!