Never Divorced
(Torah Portion Devorim) Never Divorced Each year on the Shabbos prior to Tisha B’Av – the fast day of the Ninth day of Av, we chant a Haftorah beginning with the words, “Chazone Yeshayahu – The vision of Isaiah…” The Shabbos is therefore referred to as, “Shabbos Chazone.” In the Haftorah, the Prophet Isaiah shares …
Never Ending Sound
(Torah Portion Va’eschanan) Never Ending Sound Twice each Shabbos we recite King David’s 29th Psalm that begins with the word Mizmor L’Dovid. The first time is Friday evening during the Kabalas Shabbos – welcoming Shabbos prayer and the second time is after reading the Torah scroll while it is carried back into the ark. This …
Heaven Within Reach
(Torah Portion Aikev) Heaven Within Reach The Curiosity Rover made it to Mars! The 154 million mile trek took eight months and cost 2.5 billion dollars and the text message indicating that it landed safely took 14 minutes to reach NASA mission control back on earth. Fascinating! I want to introduce something even more fascinating, …
The Day of Freedom!
(Torah Portion Re’eh) The Day of Freedom! Elul is the month when we prepare ourselves for the Day of Judgment – Rosh Hashana. As we usher in this month it is inevitable that some of the holiday prayers and tunes run through our minds. After we blow the Shofar during the repetition of the Amida …
Elevation Through Kindness!
(Torah Portion Shoftim) Elevation Through Kindness! Finding ourselves in the month of Elul, it is imperative that we focus on how we can elevate ourselves. Reb Elya Lopian o.b.m. a man who was steeped in refined ethical behavior, made a personal commitment to do a Chesed – an act of kindness, for another person each …
(Torah Portion Ki Seitzai) Gossip In this week’s Parsha, the Torah instructs us, “Zechor – remember – what had happened to Moshe’s sister Miriam.” She had developed a blemish as a result of Lashon Harah – speaking ill – of her brother. While she was excommunicated from the encampment for a week’s time because of …
Maestro, Please!
(Torah Portion Ki Savo) Maestro, Please! In this week’s portion the Torah relates that G-d entered an alliance with the Jews – with us accepting the Almighty and following His precepts, and the Almighty taking us as His treasured, praised and sanctified nation. Through abiding by this agreement, G-d guarantees that we will be the …
Rosh Hashana 5773
Rosh Hashana 5773 The Torah reading on the first day of Rosh Hashana focuses on the wondrous birth of our forefather Yitzchok. Yitzchok was born when his father Avraham was 100 years old and his mother Sarah was 90. Our Sages inform us that Yitzchok was conceived on Rosh Hashana. The Torah reading on the …
The Greatest Song
(Torah Portion Ya’Yailech) The Greatest Song G-d instructed Moshe to write and teach The Shirah – The Song – to the Jewish people. The Song that G-d was referring to is the Torah. However, the Torah is a book of law of significant size; it contains 54 portions and 613 Mitzvos. What is its connection …
Invisible Visitors
(Torah Portion Ha’Azinu) Invisible Visitors Less than a week after experiencing a spiritually inspiring and uplifting Yom Kippur, we celebrate the Holiday of Succos. Our joyful spirit on Succos indicates the confidence we have that we were atoned for and inscribed in the Book of Life. In this week’s portion, the Torah describes many ways …