Category: Devorim

Game Plan!

We are currently in the special month of Elul. There are forty days from the beginning of Elul until Yom Kippur. We know that in Judaism, the number forty comes up often. What is the significance of these forty days? After G-d spoke to us at Mount Sinai when He delivered the Ten Commandments to …

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In the Torah’s introduction to the laws of Kosher it states, “You are children of Hashem your G-d. Do not mutilate yourselves and do not make a bald patch in the middle of your head as a sign of mourning. You are a nation consecrated to Hashem your G-d. G-d has chosen you from all …

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The Torah mentions seven species that the Land of Israel is noted for – wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. The Torah then lauds the Land of Israel for its abundance of food and that it is not lacking anything and that even its stones are iron and from its mountains copper is …

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This week, we observed the fast of Tisha B’Av and mourned over the destruction of our Temples in Jerusalem. One of the more intriguing laws of the observances of Tisha B’Av is that we are restricted from studying Torah on Tisha B’Av. The reason for this is that when we study Torah, it brings us …

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The Book of Ezra captures a subtle but profound difference between the reaction of the older generation and younger generation to the rebuilt Second Temple in Jerusalem. The older people who recalled the absolute spiritual splendor of the First Temple, mourned when they saw the Second Temple, since it was spiritually lacking five of its …

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