After the Jews sinned with the golden calf they were commanded to construct a Temple for G-d. It took only two days for them to contribute the large amounts of gold, silver, copper, precious stones and other necessary materials! So great was the desire of the Jews to restore G-d’s presence amongst them. Betzalel and …
Category: Shemos
Mar 06
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
After a traditional Jewish wedding, the celebration continues for the next seven days. For the next six nights family or friends host beautiful Sheva Brochos meals. Sheva Brochos means seven blessings because seven blessings are recited after Grace after Meals over a cup of wine in honor of the Choson and Kalah – bride and …
Feb 29
The 29th!
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
Our Parsha describes the unsettling incident when a portion of the Jews worshipped the golden calf. This occurred while our leader Moshe was in heaven for 40 days and nights being taught by G-d Himself the entirety of Torah with all its laws and details. Issues began when the Egyptian contingent that joined the Jews …
Feb 22
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
I have an early childhood recollection of walking from Shul with my father and older brother. To keep me entertained, my brother would tell me, “Look, it appears the moon is following you.” He said, “Watch, if you go to the left of me, or to the right of me, the moon will always follow …
Feb 15
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
The Parsha of Teruma begins with the command for every Jew to contribute toward the construction of the Temple in the desert. In the course of this command the Torah mentions the word, “Teruma –contribution” three times. Our Sages tell us that each mention of Teruma refers to a specific donation. The first Teruma was …
Feb 08
First Down!
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
The Torah states the responsibilities and liabilities of custodians for items entrusted with them to safeguard. There are four basic types of custodians: Shomer Chinam – someone who takes responsibility to watch an item without payment. Shomer Sochar – someone who is paid to watch an item. A Shoel – a borrower, and a Sachir …
Feb 01
He Joined!
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
Our portion is called Yisro. The Torah identifies Yisro as the minister of the country of Midyan, and the father-in-law of our leader Moshe. Our Sages tell us that Yisro had previous connections to Egypt. He was actually one of the three main advisors to the Pharoh. When Pharoh asked their opinion what to do …
Jan 25
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
This week, Aviva Silverman, the bereaved mother of IDF soldier Uriel Silverman, who fell fighting in the Southern Gaza strip, spoke movingly and passionately at her son’s funeral and called for an end to the divisiveness within Israel. Aviva addressed her words to the media and said that, “I don’t think you realize how much …
Jan 18
Bubbles Over!
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
Last week’s Parsha concludes with the seventh plague of hail mixed with fire, during which Pharoh finally gave in to G-d’s power and proclaimed, “This time I have sinned: Hashem is the Righteous One, and I and my people are the wicked ones.” The Torah tells us that after Moshe prayed and the plague abruptly …
Jan 11
Who’s Crying
- By Dovid Saks in 5784, Shemos
This week’s Portion describes seven of the ten plagues that G-d brought onto Pharoh and the Egyptians. The first plague was blood, which caused all the Egyptian water sources and containers of water to turn into blood. This plague, as well as all of the plagues, did not affect the Jews. The Medrash tells us …
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Jewish Heritage Connection
Rabbi Dovid Saks, Director
601 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA 18510
(570) 346-1321
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Scranton, PA US
Parshas Shemos
Candle Lighting Time: 4:42 PM
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