Read It
(Torah Portion Beraishis ) Read It! I had a friend who was much older I was. He was very sharp, determined and a bit stubborn. From time to time we would discuss…well…much more like argue over Torah concepts, such as, belief in G-d, and the authenticity of our G-d given Torah. Our discussions would inevitably …
Five Dollar Tip
(Torah Portion Lech Lecha) Five Dollar Tip! Often after the holidays, Rabbi Shlomo Halbershtam o.b.m., the beloved Bobover Rebbe, needed to rest from his exhaustive activities and would travel to Palm Springs, California where one of his followers had a beautiful home in a gated community. During the week he was driven by his host …
(Torah Portion Vayaira) Tenacity! The greatest challenge G-d presented to our forefather Avraham was the instruction to offer his son Yitzchok as a sacrifice. We read this episode in this week’s Parsha as well as on Rosh Hashana, which is the anniversary of the event. Try to imagine being in Avraham’s position. Avraham had promoted …
Chayai Sarah She Took Notice
(Torah Portion Chayai Sarah) She Took Notice! The Torah relates that Avraham instructed his faithful servant Eliezer to travel from the land of Israel to his birthplace, Aram Naharyim, to find a suitable wife for his son Yitzchok. Avraham sent Eliezer with ten camels laden with gifts. Our Sages tell us that Avraham’s camels stood …
Truth Be Told
(Torah Portion Toldos) Truth Be Told! The Torah relates that when our matriarch Rivka was expecting, she became bewildered because when she passed the house of Torah study headed by the Sage Aiver she felt her baby kicking as if it wanted to get out and when she passed a place of idol worship she …
Seeing Beyond
(Torah Portion Vayaitzai) Seeing Beyond! Our forefather Yaacov travelled from Israel to Charan, where his uncle Lavan lived, to find a wife. The Torah relates that before going to sleep on his way, Yaacov took stones and set them around himself for protection. Yaacov then slept and dreamt a prophetic vision. When Yaacov awoke he …
Weekly Torah Portions: Nitzavim / Vayailech 23 Elul 5777 – September 14, 2017 Selichos prayers begin Saturday night At the very end of our leader Moshe’s life, G-d commanded him to write “The song of Torah,” and to teach it to the children of Israel. Our Sages tell us that Moshe wrote 13 Torah scrolls, …
Extra Time
(Torah Portion Noach ) Extra Time! Lemech was the ninth generation after creation. His son, who was the tenth generation, was named Noach. The Torah tells us that this name was prophetically inspired, for the name Noach means relief and was an indication that Noach would bring relief to society. Our Sages tell us that …
(Torah Portion Vayishlach) A Rare Fight! The night before Yaacov encountered his hateful and distant brother Aisav, Yaacov found himself alone with the angel who represented Aisav. The Torah describes that the two struggled throughout the night until daybreak. Although Yaacov became injured during the scuffle, he was able to overpower and pin down the …
Chanukah Noticing the Good
(Torah Portion Miketz/Chanukah) Noticing the Good! Reuven, the first born of the tribes, once meddled into his father’s personal matters. Because of this infraction the first- born entitlement was stripped from Reuven and transferred to Yosef, the first born son of Yaccov’s wife Rachel. Reuven also thought that because of this wrongdoing he had lost …
(Torah Portion Vayigash) Sextuplets! After our forefather Yaacov received the heartwarming and wonderful news that his son Yosef was still alive, he along with his family moved from Israel to settle in Egypt. He moved in order that Yosef could support his family during the remaining five years that were predicted for the famine. …
Executive Order
(Torah Portion Vayechi) Executive Order! The story is told of a man who died leaving over a large estate without writing a will. His three sons began the process of trying to figure out what their father’s intentions were concerning who should receive what. After a few days one of the sons tells his …