Beraishis 5775

  • Catch the Spirit

    (Torah Portion Noach) Catch the Spirit! The movie, “Noah” that recently played in the theaters has piqued the interest of many people to find out the facts given in our Torah and Oral tradition concerning Noah, the flood and the Ark. It is highly recommended to read this week’s Torah portion with Rashi’s commentary (Artscroll …

  • Believers

    (Torah Portion Lech Lecha) Believers! The union between our forefather Avraham and our matriarch Sarah was one that naturally could not bear children. That changed when G-d informed Avraham that he would be blessed with progeny. As soon as Avraham heard this wonderful and miraculous promise from G-d he believed it. The Torah admires Avraham …

  • Creating Angels

    (Torah Portion Vayairah) Creating Angels! On the third day after Avraham circumcised himself, he was visited by three angels who disguised themselves as Bedouins. Avraham, the consummate pillar of Chesed, quickly attended to all his guest’s needs despite his pain. Each of the angels had a unique mission; one was sent to heal Avraham, one …

  • Nose Rings and Bracelets

    (Torah Portion Chayai Sarah ) Nose Rings and Bracelets! The Torah relates that our forefather Avraham sent his faithful servant Eliezer from the Land of Israel to his homeland in Charan to find a suitable wife for his son Yitzchok from his family. Yitzchok was not allowed to leave the holy land of Israel because …

  • In the Midst of Prayer

    (Torah Portion Toldos ) In the Midst of Prayer Wednesday morning, after twenty-four hours of trying to process the horrific tragedy that occurred in the Jerusalem Shul while men were praying, I found myself reciting the preliminary verse of the Amidah prayer, “G-d open my lips and my mouth will express Your praises.” My mind …

  • Wedding Guests

    (Torah Portion Vayaitzai ) Wedding Guests! During the Passover Seder, while reciting the Hagaddah, we mention verses that refer to the historical background of our patriarchs. In reference to our forefather Yaacov, we state, “An Aramite wished to obliterate our father.” Interestingly, the Aramite is not mentioned by name; and our Sages explain that it …

  • Expanse and Limits

    (Torah Portion Vayishlach ) Expanse and Limits! Our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaacov observed all the laws of the Torah even though the Torah was not given to their descendants until hundreds of years later. They were able to perceive the Torah laws through their keen spirituality. Still, the Torah highlights specific laws that were …

  • Dreaming Beyond

    (Torah Portion Vayaishev ) Dreaming Beyond! The Torah relates that Yosef had two dreams which he felt compelled to share with his brothers and father. Telling over the dreams didn’t go over well with his brothers. If we explore the meaning of the dreams we will come to understand what occurred. All twelve sons of …

  • Rebel Against The

    (Torah Portion Miketz) Rebel Against the… When the Greeks ruled over the Land of Israel and overtook our Temple in Jerusalem, they forbade the Jews from practicing their religion. They banned circumcision, forbade observance of the Holy day of Shabbos, and forbade establishing the lunar calendar, which determines when the holidays are to be observed. …

  • Not Alone

    (Torah Portion Vayigash) Not Alone! “A person is influenced by the environment that surrounds him.” This adage applies both when one is surrounded with good energy and when he is in a bad atmosphere. When we focus on the challenging experiences Yosef encountered while he was alone in the decadent, selfish and immoral Egyptian surroundings, …

  • Lift the Spirits

    (Torah Portion Vayechi) Lift the Spirits! The legendary Rebbe Levi Yitzchok of Berdichiv would regularly inquire about the condition of all the ill people in his town. He once paid a visit to an ailing person and found him in a very worried state of mind. The Rabbi asked him what was weighing on his …

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